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(Ashton's POV)

We all get back in the car and head to the police station. I sit in the back with Luke and I put my head on his shoulder as his hand is on my thigh.  Calum is driving and Mikey is in the front seat holding his hand.

After a 25 minute drive, we arrive and everyone gets out except for me. "Ash, baby,  you need to get out so we can talk to the cops." Luke says as he comes to my side and opens my door. I let out a small whimper and stay where I'm at.
"Ashton. Don't make me drag you out of the car.." he says in a more stern voice and I finally decide to get out.  He closes my door then gently grabs my hand and walks me inside.

As soon as we get inside, I tense up and hide behind Luke. The person in the lobby, talking to an officer, was none other than Mr.Channing.  "Him! He's the one that did this to me because he thought his friend was in trouble but really he was making inappropriate advances towards me!!" He exclaims as Calum holds michael back and Luke's grip tightens on my hand.

The officers start to head towards us but Luke lets go of my hand and steps in front of everyone. "Not so fast. We have proof that David Channing was the one to make the inappropriate advances on my sub. Calum. Show the officer the video" he says and David's eyes go wide.
" What video?!" He exclaims as the officer walks over to Calum and watches the video.  Once it's over, he looks to his partner and nods his head.

"David Channing, you are under arrest for sexual harassment. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you can not afford one, then one will be appointed for you. Do you understand your rights?" The officer says as he puts cuffs on David.
"This is fucking ridiculous! I was set up!! You're gonna pay for this Irwin!! I'll find you!" He screams as he's being dragged away.

I just sit there with tears rolling down my face as I try to fold in on myself and block everything out. I start to panic a bit so I slide down the wall with my eyes shut tightly. 

"Luke, Ashton's having a panic attack!" Calum says as Mikey and Luke rush over to me. "D..don't let him touch me.. I don't want to..." I mumble as I feel someone's arms wrap around me "shhh calm down babyboy.  It's me. It's daddy. You're alright.  I'm here. He's not gonna touch you or bother you anymore. I promise." Luke whispers to me and I slowly calm down. After what seems like forever, I finally get my breathing back to normal and I open my eyes.

"Is he alright?" One of the officers ask and Luke looks up to him. "Yeah. He just has panic attacks sometimes.  Is it alright if we come back on Monday to make a statement? He's having surgery tomorrow morning and I don't want to stress him out anymore" Luke says and the officer nods.

"That's fine. Just send me the video and we'll have a copy of it on record" the officer replies. Calum walks over to him and gets his information then sends him the video.

"Y'all be safe getting home. And you need to get some rest. Watch a few movies and just relax" the officer says to me and I nod my head and mumble "thank you" to him. 
Luke carries me to the car and lays me down in the back seat then closes my door and gets in on his side, lifting my head and putting it back down on his leg.

I fall asleep in his lap on the way home. Then, once we're there, he wakes me up. "Wake up princess, we're home" he says and I slowly sit up then get out of the car.
We wave goodbye to Calum and Mikey as the drive to their house to get some clothes since they're going to stay the night with us.

"Ash, why aren't you speaking?" Luke asks me and I shrug and look down.
"You know you're safe here. You can talk all you want" he says as he gently wraps his arms around me then I let out a small sniffle. "Baby why are you crying?" He asks in a soft tone and I just let the tears fall
"I..I'm scared about tomorrow daddy.. what if s..something goes wrong?" I stutter out and he just pulls me closer.
"Everythings gonna be fine babyboy.  I'll be right by your side the whole way through it." He says and I nuzzle my head into his chest.

"Promise daddy?"
"I promise baby"

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