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(Ashton's POV)

After Lukey helped me get ready for school, he drove me to a coffee house and got me a strawberry frappe. Then, he dropped me off at school and kissed my cheek.

As I walked in, Mikey was already standing at my locker. "Goodmorning sunshine" He says as he hugs me. "Goodmorning Mikey" I say back.

"Do you wanna skip third block?" He asks. "Sure. What do you wanna do?" He smiles. "The skate park. Like when we were little." He says and I look at him a bit curious.

"That place has been shut down for 3 years though. Wouldn't that be trespassing?" He just nods his head and smiles. "Live a little Princess. It'll be safe. I promise"

After second block, me and Mikey sneak out through the boys bathroom window.  We run out to his truck and he drives us to the abandoned skate park.  Once we get there, he gets two skateboards out of the back then we climb the fence and he helps me jump down.

"You think you can still do it?" He asks with a smirk and I take a board from him and start skating.  We skate around for 30 minutes, then we hear sirens. "Shit." He says then looks over to me. 

We walk towards the cop with our hands up. "Can you boys tell me why you're on private property?" The officer says as he looks between us. I try holding back my tears as I stay silent. 

"We were just coming here to skate sir. We use to come here everyday before they shut it down. I apologize" Mikey says and the officer stays silent for a bit then nods his head.

"Alright. You two can go. But you better not come back here. I'm letting you off with a warning this time." I nod my head "yes sir. Thank you" Mikey says as we grab our boards and get in his truck.

"Please don't tell Luke" I say as soon as he gets in. "I won't. But I'll have to tell Calum before the officer tells him. Calum is an FBI agent. He'll find out" Mikey says and I nod my head. 

We head back to school for 4th block and I keep my head down the whole time.  The final bell rings and I go out to the front of the school. I wait for Luke to pick me up but he doesn't show. I try calling and he doesn't pick up. I've been sitting here for an hour so decide to just walk. 

As I start walking, it starts raining. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yell in frustration. I keep walking with my head down. I can't believe Luke forgot about me. The house is 8 miles away from the school and GQ headquarters, where Luke works, is only 4 miles away.  I decide to go to his work since it's pouring down rain.

When I get to his work, I sigh in relief but still have anger bubbling in me.  I feel hurt and forgotten. I walk inside and ask the receptionist to guide me to his office. As we're walking towards the elevators, she goes to one of the faculty rooms and gets me a blanket to wrap myself in since I'm shivering.

"Thank you" I say in embarrassment. She gives me a smile of sympathy then we get in the elevator and go to the very top floor. 

"Mr. Hemmings, you have a visitor" she says at his doorway. "Tell then to come back later, I'm busy". The lady sighs. "It's your sub, sir" she says in a firm yet respectful tone. "Shit, send him in" he says and I walk in then close the door.

"Ash I am so sorry, I got caught up in work.. I forgot" he says with guilt covering his face. "No worries Luke. I just had to walk four miles in the pouring rain because my dom forgot me!!" I say with anger and hurt in my voice. 

"Ashton, you know not to call me luke." He says and I roll my eyes. "Yeah, and you know not to leave your sub and forget them!" I yell.

He gets up, shoving his chair to the side of the room and walks towards me. "Last chance ash. You better say the right thing or you're getting punished." He says as his fist clench.

"You forgot me luke.  You don't know how bad that hurt me!" I yell as I step up to him and shoves me against the wall, pinning me so that I can't move.

"I had business ashton! If you were a good sub you'd understand that!" He yells back at me and I start crying.
"Well I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you." I say and his features soften. He slowly let's go of me. "Ash, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way, I've had a bad day at work and I shouldn't be taking it out on you." He says as he gently grabs my hand.

"I'll take the rest of the day off and we'll go home and cuddle. I'll even let you sleep in the bed with me tonight baby.  How does that sound?" He says and I smile a little. "Can I have ice cream too?" I ask and he nods his head with a smile on his face.

"Of course princess"

We head out of the office then out to his car. He turns the heaters on so that I'm not shivering anymore then he puts his hand on my thigh.

"I really really like you ash" he says and I blush but smile. "I really really like you too daddy" I say.

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