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(Ashton's POV)

" Two scoops of mint chocolate chip please" I say to the lady over the counter and she smiles, making my ice cream cone. "Will that be all?" She asks and Luke nods his head.
"Alright. Your total is $2.73" she says with a smile and Luke hands her a $5.

"Keep the change" we smile at her then walk out to the car.
"I'm really sorry about earlier, kitten." Luke says as he holds my door open for me.

"It's okay daddy. I know you didn't mean it" I continue to eat my ice cream then Luke gets a call.

"Hey Calum. Yeah? Oh really? When did this happen? Today?! Alright. Thanks for letting me know." Luke glances over at me as I finish my ice cream and he grips my thigh tightly.

"Ow, daddy you're hurting me.." I say as I try to move his hand. "So, you decided to skip class today?" He says and my eyes go wide.

"" I lie and he grips harder then pulls into the driveway.

"Come with me. Now." He says through gritted teeth and I follow him into the house with tears in my eyes.

"First you call me Luke. Then I find out from another dom that you skipped class?! Don't forget the part where you lied about it! You're being punished! Go to the isolation room. Now!!!" He yells and I start to cry as I run up to the room.

He slams the door behind me and locks it. I start panicking trying to get the door open but it doesn't budge. "D..daddy!! Please!! I'm sorry.. it won't happen again! Don't leave me in here alone!!" I plead with him but he doesn't answer. I hear him walk away.

I start panicking more and I turn the lights on then go to the bathroom. I splash water in my face to try and cool me down but it doesn't work.

"You're so stupid ashton. You're not even a good sub! He hates you!" The voice in my head says and I scream in frustration to try and block it out then I smash the mirror with my hand, causing me to get a bad cut and glass in my hand. 

I scream in pain and I hear Luke unlock the door and run in. "Ash, what happened?!" He yells in a panicked voice as he walks over to me.

"I..I'm sorry" I say in a broken voice. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my head then picks me up bridal style. "Let's get this bandaged up"

He takes me to his room and goes to his bathroom for a first aid kit.  A few moments later, he walks over to me with all of the supplies.  "We're gonna have to take the glass out first then sterilize it.  It's gonna hurt but I need you to sit still." I sniffle and nod my head then he start taking the glass out of my hand. 

"You did so good babyboy. Now, hold extra still, I need to clean it." He says as he grabs my forearm in a tighter grip to keep me still.

He pulls out a bottle with his free hand and starts pouring peroxide on the wounds. "Ow!! Daddy stop it hurts!!" I yell in pain as I try to jerk away but his grip is too strong.

"Shhhhh I know baby.  But look, I'm all done. You did so good I'm so proud of you" He says with a smile as he starts to wrap my hand up with some gauze and bandages.  "All better" He says as he places a kiss on my injured hand.

"Thank you daddy.." I sniffle.  "You're welcome baby.  Lay down and get comfortable.  I'm gonna clean up the glass.  I'll be back soon, okay?" I nod my head and lay down then turn on Spongebob.

Ten minutes later, Luke walks back in and gets on the bed next to me.  "How are you feeling kitten?" He asks and I cuddle up to him. "Better" I say and he holds me.

An hour later, we both fall asleep under the covers, cuddled up to one another.

My dreams were filled with Luke, so there was nothing to complain about the next morning.

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