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(Ashton's POV)

All I remember, was everything going black. Next thing you know, I wake up crying and hardly being able to talk. I open my eyes and look over to my right where a nurse is and she notices I'm awake and smiles.

"Hi sweetie. Your surgery went great, I'll go get you some pain meds and water. That sound okay?" She asks and I nod my head.
Just a few minutes later, she walks back to me with a syringe and a cup of water.
I take them water from her with a small smile and start to drink it as she injects the, what I'm assuming to be pain meds, through my IV.

After a little while, Two make nurses walk up to me. "Hello Ashton, I see that you're awake and that you've been drinking water. That's good. Well we're gonna take you to your room then your dom and friends can come see you" one of the men say and I smile.

"Thank you" I reply as they take the brakes off and start pushing me to my room. As we arrive there, they get me hooked up to the machines and leave with a smile.
About 15 minutes later, I hear a knock at the door. "Come in" I say then I start smiling widely as Luke walks in with a teddy bear.

"Hi babyboy, how are you feeling?" He asks as he comes over to me and kisses my cheek and hands me the teddy. I hug up to the teddy as I look up at him. "Good daddy. Not hurting or anything. They gave me some medicine but I still feel loopy" I say with a giggle and he smiles.

We hear another knock at the door then Michael busts through into the room with a smile on his face. "You're awake!! How was it? Did it hurt? Are you high?" He asks and I just giggle more and nod my head.
"Not bad. Hurt when I woke up and yes. I am high" i say with a smile on my face and he laugh. "Cool. So do you know when you get to go home?" He asks and I shrug.

"Doctor said you should be able to go home tomorrow. They want to keep you over night for observation" Luke says and we both nod our heads. "M'hungry" I say and Luke goes out into the hallway.

"He was really worried about you, you know. He was constantly asking the nurses if you were doing okay and how much longer you had left in your surgery. He cares about you, that's for sure" Mikey says and I smile.

"I care about him too." I say then the door opens and Luke walks in with a tray of food.
"They said you need to eat soft foods for now, so you have soup and some applesauce. And you'll get ice cream when you're finished" he says as he sets my tray down on the side table and pulls it to me.

"Thank you daddy" I say as I start to eat and then Calum walks in with a stuffed bunny and a stuffed dog. "Hi little one" he says as he greets Michael and kisses him then hands him the stuffed dog. "Hi daddy. Thank you!!" He says with excitement in his voice then Calum turns to me and smiles.

"Hi ash, you doing alright?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yes sir. I feel great!" I say and then he gives me the stuffed bunny. "Well. Since you did good in your surgery, I got you a bunny" he says and I smile and thank him.

I finish up all of my food then Dr.Grey walks in. "Hello Ashton, how are you feeling?" She asks as she walks over to me. "I feel great. No pain at the moment" I say and she smiles.
"That's amazing. Well, you're surgery went by without any complications. We removed the entire tumor in one go. We did staple the incision so you'll need to come back in three weeks to get them removed. And no washing your hair for 3 days. Use the antibacterial soap for the first week of washing your hair. After that you can go back to your normal products." I nod my head as I soak in all of the information. She then turns to Luke and hands him some papers.

"I thought he wasn't getting released until tomorrow?" He says and she smiles. "Well. That's usually the case but this was the smoothest operation and he's been able to keep his food down. He's alert and able to move. This is probably the fastest recovery we've had. He will be on pain medication for the next two weeks. I'm going to prescribe him Percocet's. Now with these pills, you need to make sure he takes the proper dosage and not too much." She says as Luke fills out the papers and eventually hands them over to her once he's finished.

She smiles and thanks him then wishes me well before she leaves the room. "So I get to go home?" I ask and Luke smiles. "Looks like it." He replies with a smile then kisses my forehead and gathers my things.

The nurse comes in and takes out the IV and unhooks the machines from me. "Be safe getting home. Here's the aftercare packet for changing the bandage. You only have to wear it for 3 days. Then you're good to go" she says and I thank her. Once she leaves the room, Michael and Calum go out into the hall as Luke helps me change back into my clothes.

"Ready to go home princess?" He asks mom and I nod. "I'm ready daddy"

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