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(Ashton's POV)

We stayed up for a little bit last night, watching Batman, joker, and suicide squad while eating snacks and ice cream. We ended up going to bed around 11:30. And now the time is finally here.

"Ash, baby, wake up. We gotta get you dressed. I let you sleep in a little bit so it's time to get a shower.  You have to wash your hair with this antibacterial soap. And you can't put on perfume on today baby" Luke says as he wakes me up and sets my clothes out for me.
I slowly roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.
I turn on the water and get undressed then I get into the shower.  I do what he said for me to do then i finish up in the shower and get out, taking a towel and drying myself off.

I wrap the towel around my waste then I walk out into the bedroom and blush as Luke is changing his clothes. He put on grey sweatpants, a white shirt, and converse.
I try to be quiet as I drop my towel and slide my plain black panties on but when I look back up, Luke is staring at me with a small smile and I blush.
" looking!" I say trying to cover myself and he just gives me a small laugh then walks over to me and pulls my arms down to my sides.
"You're beautiful, babyboy." He says as he kisses my forehead. "T..thank you daddy." I say as he reaches behind him and grabs one of his grey shirts "lift your arms baby" he says and I do as I'm told.  He slides the oversized shirt on me then I grab my black leggings and socks and put them on. I decide to wear my black and white slip on vans then I look up at Luke.

"You look adorable baby. You ready to go?" He asks and I blush then nod my head.
We go downstairs where we find Mikey and Calum sitting on the couch. "Time to go!" Luke announces and everyone goes outside to get into one of Luke's cars.  I sit in the front this time while Mikey and Calum sit in the back.
"You two can speak whenever you want today" Calum says and we smile. "Thank you, Sir" Mikey says then turns to me.

"Are you nervous about today?" He asks and I nod my head. "Yeah.  I'm scared something might go wrong..." I say and he ruffles my hair.
"Nah. You're strong.  You'll be out of there in no time. Plus. Mr.Luke got you the best surgeon in town." Mikey says and I smile.
"Did you really?" I ask Luke and he nods then smiles.

"Of course. I wanted my baby to be taken care of" he says as he reaches over and places his hand on my thigh.

After about 30 minutes, we finally arrive at the hospital and park the car. We walk in and are immediately greeted by some of the staff.
"Mr.Hemmings, Mr.Irwin, y'all are right on time. I just need you to sign these papers then we'll take Ashton back and prep him for surgery" the lady says as she hands Luke the papers.

He signs everything then hands me the papers so I could sign a few parts. I give the lady the papers then a nurse comes up to me and tells me and Luke to follow her. We go to the prep room and she puts my bracelet on me then hands me my gown to change into.

Luke closes the curtains then turns to me. "You okay so far baby? They can give you some medicine for your anxiety if you want it" he says and I nod my head. "Please..?"
He gives me a small nod then leaves to go talk to the nurse.  I quickly change into my gown then Luke walks back in
"Need me to tie it for you?" He asks and I nod my head. I turn around so that my back is facing him, then he ties the strings together.

After he's done, he picks me up and sits me on the bed and opens the curtains. The nurse greets me with a smile and gets some of my vitals done then sticks an IV into my hand. She puts the anxiety meds in it which makes me calm down significantly as I look over to Luke.
"Alright baby. They've gotta take you back, I can't go in there but I'll be here when you wake up. I promise" he says as he kisses my forehead. "Thank you, daddy" I say then give his hand a small squeeze before they roll me to the operating room.

"Hi Ashton, I'm Dr.Grey. I'll be doing your surgery. We have to shave a tiny spot of your head. It won't be noticeable at all since the rest of your hair will lay over the spot when it's done." She says and I nod as I start to look around.
"Alright Ashton, we're adding the anesthesia through your IV. We need you to count back from 30 for us." The anesthesiologist says

"30...29..28....27...26.....25...24...23...22...21.....20............19......18.........17......" then it went black.

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