Underground Help

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A squad of five MEKA units were attacking a Gwishin base to secure a package and then get out of there but turns out it's well defended. On the team were Casino, D.mon, D.va, King and Overlord in their mechs. Their commander Myung was communicating with them through their headsets

"What are we gonna do it's well bloody defended", D.mon shouted while shooting at the Gwishin and activating Beast's shield

"Commander do you have a plan? We might be in trouble", Casino called to Myung while providing cover fire for the others while in cover as well then Myung spoke through their headsets

"Focus on getting back. Reinforcements will cover your retreat", she ordered. The five began to retreat while D.va used her defence matrix to protect the team while they retreat as she was moving backwards but before she could turn her mech around an explosion erupted through the base and a hole opened up beneath her and her mech fell down the hole with her inside and when she hit a hard surface her mech got badly damaged and she was knocked out.

"WE LOST D.VA" D.mon shouted as she looked at the hole but retreated with the others.

"She will still be alive her mech will take the majority of damage from the fall and she will just be unconscious", Casino said trying to reassure her

Meanwhile underground, a man called Y/N was testing the upgrades on a mech he'd built, codenamed Nexus, when he spotted another mech heavily damaged, but with a girl in what seemed to be the pilot area of it. He looked up at the hole she'd fallen through, then back at her.

"Must have been a nasty fall

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"Must have been a nasty fall. Better take her to a safe place to see if she's badly hurt", he said. He used his mech to pick her mech up, being careful of the unconscious pilot and took her and her mech to his base where he climbed out of his mech, lifting the pilot out of her mech into his arms. He gently put her in the med bay to recover and Nexus put the damaged mech in the repair bay but Y/N didn't touch it yet. He then looked over the pilot to see if there were any serious injuries. She had a cut on her forehead and she'd dislocated her left shoulder. He set to work cleaning and patching up the cut, and fitting her arm back into position. He then formed a sling from other medical supplies and used that to hold her arm in place so it healed. He didn't know that this damaged mech had a camera and it was transmitting live to hundreds of people across the world. It had been transmitting the whole thing, the fight above, her falling through the ground, Y/N finding her and the mech, what he had just said and him carrying the damaged mech to his base and tending to the pilot's wounds. The pilot woke up after a few hours and saw Y/N working on a computer.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where's Tokki? Where is my team? How do I get out of here?", she began asking rapidly. Y/N attempted to calm her.

"Calm down. I'm here to help", he said and she seemed to calm down

"Where exactly am I?", she asked again

"You're in my underground base. I found you unconscious in some sort of damaged mech", Y/N replied

"Where is Tokki?", she asked in a panic. Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder

"If Tokki is the giant pink mech I found you in, don't worry. Tokki is in my repair bay. I'm not sure how to fix it up for you", he replied.

"Where is my team?", the pilot asked. Y/N was confused

"Team? My best guess is they're on the surface", he replied pointing to the picture of a giant hole in the centre of a security camera feed.

"And how do I get outta here?", the pilot asked.

"Well, you're not going anywhere until you're healed. You dislocated your shoulder hence the reason it's in a sling. Your mech Tokki took the brunt of the fall so that's lucky. You'd most probably have been killed if it wasn't for such strong armor.", he replied. The pilot looked down at her sling

"What's your name?", she asked

"My name is Y/N L/N, but most people call me Pilot due to my capabilities behind the controls of machinery. What's your name?", he replied.  The pilot cleared her throat

"Hana Song, known as D.va, reigning champion of e sports", she replied proudly.

"Good to meet you D.va. When you're fully healed, and your mech is fully repaired, I'll take you on the route out of here", Y/N offered and D.va nodded before laying on the medical table again.

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