Telling Hana About The Past

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The next morning, Y/N woke up to see Hana cuddled into his side. He looked at the time and it was 9 in the morning

"Oh my god I slept late...", he muttered before nudging Hana

"Turn the air con off, it's too cold", Hana murmured in her sleep. Sighing, Y/N gently slipped out of her grip and got out of the bed

"Hana it's 9 in the morning. Get up", he said

"Don't wanna go to pub", Hana muttered still asleep. Sighing, Y/N grabbed her waist and lifted her over his shoulder. Hana slowly woke up and noticed Y/N's trousers in front of her. After getting her bearings, she realized she was dangling over his shoulder.

"Y/N put me down! I wanna go back to bed", she shouted, hitting his back

"No. It's 9 in the morning. We slept in late. Come on, I'm getting you breakfast.", he replied carrying her to the living room in the MEKA base. King, Overlord, Casino and D.mon were surprised to see Y/N carrying to the table. Y/N placed her down gently and she gave him a shove in the shoulder

"Morning you two. You slept in late", D.mon said as she passed a plate of pancakes to Y/N and Hana each.

"That's what I was saying to her but she kept rambling on about random stuff like turning the air con off, or not wanting to go to the pub", Y/N replied as he and Hana began to eat. D.mon giggled at the thought.

"She's even weirder after energy drinks", she replied. When they were finished, Y/N headed back to the room to change into his pilot outfit. When he was finished changing, he walked out to the launch room and pressed a button on his wrist. 

The squad looked up as some sort of meteor came down. They braced themselves for impact, before the meteor suddenly changed form and Nexus landed in front of Y/N.

"Woah, what was that?", Hana asked in awe

"That is what we call a Titanfall. Makes it way easier to call them in. Hana, if you get changed quickly, I can show you what Nexus can do", Y/N replied. Hana immediately ran back to her room. 10 minutes later she returned in her pilot outfit and her headset. Y/N hopped into Nexus and the hatch closed before Nexus extended a hand to Hana, who happily hopped on.

"Why not follow us?", Y/N offered to the rest of the squad, who climbed into their mechs and followed close behind. Nexus opened the hatch and Hana climbed in, making sure to make herself comfortable and ensuring Y/N could actually see where he was going. The five mechs made their way to the base and landed just nearby the Draconis. The hatch opened and Y/N and Hana hopped out to be greeted by Slone

"So how'd it go, sleeping with another girl?", Slone asked with a smirk. Y/N blushed madly under his helmet

"Slone! Stop asking me these questions!", he replied

"Come on, Y/N I'm just messing with ya", Slone replied giving him a hug

"Congrats on the get together, kid", Viper said walking up

"You love Slone don't you Y/N?", D.mon asked

"Of course I do", he replied

"So, you have two girlfriends?", D.mon replied and Y/N chuckled

"It's not that way at all", he replied as Slone laid an arm around him

"He's my brother", Slone explained and D.mon was a little taken aback. Y/N removed his helmet so they could see

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