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When they were in the base, Y/N turned to his squad.

“Ok, so we should split up. Viper, take Casino. Slone, take King. Hayley and Trinity, take Overlord, Bethany, take D.mon, Jason take Dae-hyun and I’ll take This way, we can show them around the base quicker.”, he said and each of his squad took their assigned members to different places in the base. Y/N took to the mech service bay, where their mechs were being repaired and re-armed. Nexus’ servicing had just finished. The repair bay arms moved away from her and she was disengaged from the rack. She knelt down to Y/N and, extending her hand

“That was an impressive display Pilot. It is good to be part of an organisation that respects our skills”, she said as Y/N and climbed on, sitting on top of her hull

“It really was. I’m glad we had the resources to upgrade you and the others. So now we all can fly”, he replied before looking at

“Mind if I call you Hana?”, he asked her and she nodded

“It’s totally fine. Seeing as we’re gonna be working together, we probably should call each other by our first names”, she replied

“Maybe you and D.mon, but the others I think I should just call by their callsigns. I’m not too good with Korean names”, Y/N said and Hana nodded

“Understood. So where do you people sleep?”, she asked. Y/N took his helmet off and held it under his arm. Hana couldn’t help but blush when she saw his face

“Sometimes we sleep in special rooms on the ship, but mainly we sleep in our mechs. It’s not as comfortable as sleeping in an actual bed but it is quite nice when we know we’re under the protection of our mechs. We usually sleep in our mechs when we don’t have anywhere else to sleep”, he explained. Hana nodded

“What about your base? Any places there to sleep?”, she asked

“Not really. We usually prefer to sleep in a place that we can move around. Such as the ship. Saves us a lot of time packing up the stuff. That Antarctic base was a place we slept in, but it was FREEZING during the nights! Luckily we had Scorch around to help keep us warm. We kinda all slept in one room. It was awkward, sleeping so close to my sister and the other males in the squad, but we managed to bear it”, Y/N replied rubbing the back of his head with an embarrassed blush at the memory. Hana giggled and touched his shoulder

“Hey at least it was effective to stop you people from freezing to death in the cold area”, she replied and Y/N nodded.

“Anyway, back to showing you around. This is where our mechs are serviced after battle. They take quite a lot of damage at times and they use up quite a bit of ammo. Luckily we keep the empty magazines so they can be refilled after combat”, he said showing Hana where the empty magazines were being refilled. Hana looked at it in awe

“Our mechs don’t need our ammo refilled, they can fire endlessly”, she replied. Y/N nodded

“Lucky you…”, he said and Nexus spoke up

“I detect sarcasm”, she said and Y/N chuckled

“One of the best things about Nexus, she can tell when we’re being sarcastic or not”, he explained to Hana. Nexus began walking through the mech service bay.

“Each of us have specific racks to put our mechs on. We call our mechs Titans because of their giant size. This one is Viper’s service rack”, Y/N explained gesturing to where Northstar was being fixed up and her Plasma Railgun was being cleaned out and reloaded.

“Mind if I stream this?”, Hana asked taking out her phone. Y/N looked at Nexus

“You ok with this?”, he asked her

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