Going Out To Eat

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A couple of days later, D.va was heading to the base in a transport to pick up Y/N. When she arrived, she was greeted by Slone.

"Hey D.va. Nice to see you again. Come in", she said happily as she brought D.va into the main room of the base

"Hi Slone. Have you seen Y/N? Me and him are going out to eat after he asked me out", she explained. Slone was just about to say where he was when the two of them heard something coming from Y/N's room. It was the sound of water running. The two moved closer to the door. Slone opened it slowly and they heard singing coming from the bathroom

D.va could hardly believe her ears. Y/N was singing one of her favourite songs. Soon both the water and singing stopped and D.va and Slone quickly headed away from the door to the shower, heading back into the main room. Y/N stepped out of the shower in a towel, his hair wet. He sighed happily and changed into some casual clothes, a simple white t shirt and some black cargo shorts. When he had changed and gotten himself ready, he walked out of the room to see a smiling Slone and a giggling D.va.

"Wow, bro. Didn't know you could sing", Slone said with a chuckle. Y/N blushed a little realising his sister and his crush had both heard him singing.

"Please tell me you weren't recording...", he said quietly and Slone shook her head

"Nah. I may be annoying to you at times but I don't want to humiliate my little bro", she said giving her brother a hug. D.va walked up to Y/N and hugged him too

"You're amazing at singing. How did you know that was my favourite song?", she asked

"I didn't. It happens to be one of my favourites too", Y/N replied returning the group hug. Slone broke away from the hug with a smile

"Well have fun on your date", she called out as she went to check up on Ion

"It's not a date. We're going out to eat", Y/N called back

"Still a date!", Slone shouted back

"Slone, I swear to God I am gonna tell Viper how much you've been eyeing him!", Y/N shouted back and Slone gasped

"You wouldn't", she said as she ran back

"Oh I would alright", Y/N said. The two siblings stared each other in the eyes before they both began laughing. Slone gave Y/N another hug before she went back to see Ion. Y/N and D.va walked into the transport and D.va piloted it to Busan.

"So where do you wanna go to get some food?", D.va asked. Y/N took a moment to think about it

"Maybe a fancy place? Heard there are some places that have a VIP list. Kinda wanna see what they're about", he replied and D.va nodded

"Settled. I'll let them know you're my guest so they let you into the VIP section too", she replied

"Do you prefer me calling you D.va or Hana?", Y/N asked

"D.va when we're in combat or playing some games online, Hana when we're in public or having some time alone", D.va replied as she landed the transport in the city. Already Y/N noticed people were wearing shirts and jackets with him and D.va on it

"Hard to believe merch about us is already on sale", he said to Hana, who giggled

"When you're a celebrity, people wanna make as much merch as possible regarding you. And since we're dating, they made some of you as well", she replied gesturing to some kids who were wearing helmets that looked like Y/N's. Y/N chuckled and immediately the kids noticed him and began running to him wanting a selfie with him and Hana. Their parents got the camera ready for them. Hana giggled noticing the fans and she and Y/N happily took a pic with them, Hana doing her signature heart pose and Y/N doing a pose where he was pretending to hold two pistols across his chest. The kids thanked them and ran off with their parents to show the picture to their friends, while Hana and Y/N headed to the restaurant.

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