Squad Past

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About two weeks later, Y/N and Hana were streaming some Frontier Defense on the first Titanfall game. Y/N was in an Atlas Titan with the XO-16 and Hana was in a Stryder Titan with the Quad Rocket. While they were defending the Harvester, Y/N was singing to himself.

“The great gods of Olympus, never saw what they had coming. When the Titans rose from ashes and all the Olympians went running. So if you can’t fight your battles, then you know just who to call. I will stand by your side, until the Titanfall”, he sang as his Atlas punched into an enemy Auto Titan causing it to explode. Hana looked at her boyfriend as he sang.

“Did you think of that song?”, she asked before turning her attention back to the game

“Not really. Heard it a lot from Blisk when he was doing some maintenance in his Titan”, Y/N replied as he activated his Titan’s Damage Core before unleashing a barrage of fire into a group of Nuke Titans and avoided the explosions they created

“Well I know someone who could help make that become an actual song. His name is Lucio and he’s a great musician”, Hana offered as her Stryder’s Dash Core activated allowing her to dash around the map and destroy several Mortar Titans before they could even place down their weapons and attack.

“Sounds ideal. But we should probably talk with the squad about it. They’ll probably want their say in it. I know for a fact they’ll probably want to be paid for it too. I know the squad all too well. Anything regarding money comes up, they want to get involved in it.”, Y/N replied with a laugh. Hana giggled too before they completed the wave and placed their turrets around the Harvester before the final wave appeared

“Let’s do this”, Hana said with a determined grin as their Titans attacked. Hana’s Quad Rocket tore through several Arc Titans but their Arc Fields tore into her Stryder’s shields and caused severe damage. She activated her Nuke Eject and her Titan blew several enemy units apart. She landed on Y/N’s Atlas and together they managed to blow apart a few Nuke Titans. Hana noticed all the turrets were down and she hopped off Y/N’s Atlas to go and repair them. While she was doing that, Y/N’s Atlas suffered severe damage and he ejected, before rodeoing an enemy Titan. He tore off the protective casing and unleashed a barrage of amped fire into the internal systems, destroying the Titan. The turrets soon made short work of the remaining Titans. Y/N and Hana cheered before sharing a kiss.

“Alright the game’s finished, now we do a Q and A”,Y/N said and the chat began lighting up with questions

“NutCracker47 asks ‘Y/N why don’t you play Fortnite?’. That’s a good question”, Hana said as she looked at Y/N

“One word: Overrated. So many kids going nuts over a game like that. Apex Legends is much better cause at least there’s some degree of variety in there. Instead of just cosmetics, Apex Legends has different characters with abilities. Fortnite just has skins”, Y/N replied. 

“FireWarrior664 asks ‘Hana do you have a favourite Titan that you’ve seen from the Apex Predators?’. Well, I like Slone’s Ion Titan because of the upgrades. Viper’s Titan is awesome too because of the flying and the rockets. But I prefer Nexus, who is Y/N’s Titan. Mainly because she’s piloted by the man I love”, Hana said as she kissed Y/N on the cheek.

"ViperFan09 asks 'Y/N does the squad have any other family?' Well yes. Bethany has a cousin who we call Bear. He is also a member of another group of mercenaries. The 6-4. We've had a few run ins with them. They're dedicated to their work but like us they don't just work for money. They work to help as many people as they can. My personal favorite is the guy called Davis. He's a bit of a joker even while on the job. Heck, before I joined the Apex Predators, I had a few missions with them myself. Granted I didn't get paid, but it did open up new doors", Y/N said.

“ApexShot447 asks ‘Did the Apex Predators have any other members?’”, Hana read as she looked at Y/N

“Actually yes. I met them a few times when I was with Slone when she got invited to the group. There was Kane, who was a really messed up guy. Former narcotics user, I think. Then there was Richter, who spoke German a lot so I could not understand him. We also had Ash, who was once a human but was rebuilt into a robot body. Not an Omnic, but something we call a Simulacrum. Those types of machines are pretty much mechanical humans. Ash was very cunning for a Simulacrum. She’s still out there at times, keeping contact with Blisk. She’s our intel expert. In case you’re wondering what happened to Kane and Richter, well Kane died from an overdose of stimulant that we use to heal our wounds quicker and Richter was killed when his Titan was destroyed. He was trapped under rubble and he couldn’t eject because of how damaged the systems were, when ended up with a very sharp piece of rubble piercing the Titan cockpit and straight through his face, killing him instantly. Kane’s death wasn't really treated as much of a loss considering that he was mentally unstable due to the concentration of that stim he used. I’m surprised his brain didn’t melt from how much he used. But Richter was seen as a good friend by Blisk and someone who was very strategic.”, Y/N said and Hana rubbed his back gently. Y/N took out a picture and showed it to the camera

“That’s the squad before me and the others joined, celebrating Christmas

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“That’s the squad before me and the others joined, celebrating Christmas. The wrinkly old man in the chair is just their contractor. Yes Richter is holding a necklace of human ears. The bastard had this sick fascination with that stuff, I never knew why”, Y/N said as Hana cringed

“Human ears. Gross”, she said in disgust

“Yeah, same thing I said to him”, Y/N replied with a smile.

“One more question and then the stream ends”, Hana said before looking over the questions

“Oh here’s a good one. IndigoPalmTree asks ‘Y/N, why do you and your squad work for money and nothing else?’. Well to be honest with you I don’t really know myself. I mean, the danger is what makes these contracts interesting, and a large amount of money really helps. I mean, Viper could not have upgraded Northstar the way he has without a lot of money. Nor could Slone with Ion. In fact, we couldn’t have upgraded our Titans at all if we didn’t do a lot of contracts for a load of money. But to be honest with you, we do stuff for money because of different personal reasons. Mine is to make sure I can upgrade Nexus a lot and be able to afford some other stuff too. Fuel for the Draconis ain’t cheap”, Y/N said and Hana looked at the stream

“Well that’s the end of the stream now. Hope you guys enjoyed the stream and as always stay tuned for more TokArch action. See you around”, she said as she turned off all the equipment and kissed Y/N. Y/N’s hands ran down the back of Hana’s pilot suit and held her close. He pulled her onto her bed and held her close, stroking her hair and kissing her nose, making her blush to the point where her pink whiskers were not visible. The two soon changed into their sleepwear, and shared another kiss before Y/N lifted Hana over his shoulder. Hana squeaked in surprise and beat on his back, laughing as Y/N spun her around. He then gently slid her off his shoulder onto the bed and laid next to her before pulling her onto him and pulling the covers over them, the two of them sharing another kiss as they fell asleep.

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