Proving Themselves

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The Draconis landed at the coordinates Blisk had sent them. Where they were now was a giant base that had plenty of room to move around. Y/N looked at the massive place from the cockpit of the ship

“Woo, much bigger than the last base”, he said and Slone nodded

“So much more room”, she replied. The seven of them disembarked the ship with their mechs and met up with Blisk

“That’s cause this was once a fueling depot. It still is at times. Which is why I decided to use this place as our new base of operations”. Blisk explained and Y/N whistled in awe

“So what’s the plan on proving ourselves?”, Trinity asked.

“According to the radar, there’s a large Gwishin on its way complete with a lot of hostile air units to provide cover for it. Destroy all those and show teamwork and that should definitely prove to those people that we are capable of defending”, Blisk replied and the squad nodded before heading to their mechs to upgrade, reload and rearm them. A few hours later, they were ready to take to the air. Usually, only Viper would have been able to fly, but thanks to their vast collection of upgrades and tools they had been able to get as a result of mercenary service, all the squad could now fly. The news came on that MEKA would not be fighting the Gwishin, instead it would be left to some outside help that Dva had found. The giant Gwishin slowly advanced on Busan and the small air units moved in, only to be destroyed by Viper’s plasma railgun. The seven mechs then moved in to fight. Y/N opened the comlink

“Accelerate to attack speed, draw their attention away from the buildings”, he ordered.

“Copy that Monarch”, Hayley said as Scorch’s flame shield activated. The citizens of Busan watched in awe, and they could even hear the comlink chatter due to the comms being on all civilian channels. Even the MEKA squad was live-streaming it to their fans in other parts of the world. Y/N noticed Slone was being pursued

“Watch yourself, Slone. Four from the west”, he warned and Slone took notice

“Viper, Ronin, form up”, she ordered.

“Copy”, Jason replied before he and Viper blasted the four Gwishin apart. Viper’s sensors beeped in alarm

“Five of them inbound, 60 degrees”, he warned. Y/N noticed them

“Cut to the right, I’m on the leader”, he ordered before engaging the nearest Gwishin unit, blasting it apart. Another Gwishin began firing on Y/N before Bethany used Legion’s Power Shot to blast it apart before her Smart Core activated and she made short work of several small squadrons of Gwishin. Y/N noticed three heading for the MEKA base.

“They’re heading to attack the MEKA base”, he warned and Ion opened fire on them using her Splitter Rifle. She then blasted another apart using a laser shot and finished the other one of using her Splitter Rifle’s spread capability. Soon all the Gwishin units had been cleared up and the squad could turn their attention to the giant one. Blisk scanned the giant unit and noticed a small vent

“There’s a small hole just to the right of the front right leg, on the side of it. That’s your entrance point”, he advised and Y/N nodded

“We’re on our way. Everyone form up, we’re going in. Viper lead the way”, he ordered and the seven of them began moving in on the giant one. Viper dodged and weaved through the defenses, blowing them up as he passed them

“I’m going in”, he announced before diving into the vent. Y/N grimaced

“Here goes nothing”, he muttered as Nexus swooped into the vent close behind Viper, the rest of the squad following. Some other small Gwishin units deployed from the giant one and followed behind “Lock onto the strongest power source. It should be the power generator at the heart of this thing”, he ordered as they swooped through the narrow spaces.

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