Repairs and Squad Introduction

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A few weeks later, had healed up and her arm was as good as new. Y/N had yet to introduce her to his mech. Right now the two of them were working on Tokki. Y/N was underneath the mech and was on top.

"So what's it like being an e-sports champion?", Y/N asked as he reconnected a few wires and welded the foot part back into place

"It's great. But the publicity can be a little overrated. Everyone expects you to be at every convention everywhere signing autographs or doing panels. Me, I just focus on defending my home from the Gwishin with my old squad, and helping Overwatch with their missions", replied as she connected a power supply.

"Gwishin? Never heard of them", Y/N replied before he secured the cannons back into place

"They're omnics who frequently attack Busan, never showing mercy. Last time, I was forced to fight them myself due to the squad being on leave and their mechs being badly damaged. I saved the city but was badly hurt", replied just as she tested the Defense Matrix to check if it was operational. Y/N sighed

"I'd love to be a defender of the world. Be famous. Be able to show off my abilities in battle", he said to himself as he ran the diagnostics. The display showed up saying the right thruster was not active. He hopped up onto Tokki and began fixing the thruster.

"You'll get your chance one day Y/N, I'm sure of it. Heck maybe one day you could meet my squad. The MEKA one", said trying to comfort Y/N.

"Maybe...I wonder what's out there these days. I've spent the last 3 years underground due to being trapped here after a rockfall blocked my only way out when I fell down here. Luckily I found this base and with the help of Nexus, I managed to get it up and running to monitor comms and call it home", Y/N replied as the thruster was fixed. was confused

"Who's Nexus?", she asked and Y/N pointed to the door, which opened showing a giant mech. was shocked and close to panicking

"Is that an Omnic?! New type?!", she said with a scared tone. Y/N shook his head and hopped off Tokki.

"This is N3-X-U5. Codenamed Nexus. She's a very strong mech that can upgrade herself on the battlefield.", Y/N replied before he stepped up to Nexus. Nexus picked Y/N up and placed him inside her. stepped back

"Mech systems are yours Pilot. Welcome back", Nexus spoke. was both awed and scared

"It's ok Nexus won't hurt anyone unless she has to", Y/N said as he disembarked Nexus. Nexus scanned Tokki

"Mech type: MEKA. Name: Tokki. Owner: Hana '' Song. Status: 85 percent repaired. Power supply attached.", Nexus said automatically

"She can scan machinery and study weaknesses and unleash a lot of firepower to threats of humanity.", Y/N replied.

"Sounds really cool", said with awe in her voice

“You see, I’m part of a squad myself”, Y/N replied before the rocks to the right of opened up. Another mech walked in carrying a large crate. This particular mech had a giant broadsword on the back of it.

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