2: Saved by the Edens

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Aria was late.

Not because she had woken up late, or because she was a slow person. But because she had spent a good half hour standing outside school, just trying to gather the courage to go in. Then, finally, finally, after even the latest of the late had gone in, she stepped foot into Bartholomew College, her hands shaking slightly. She could only pray that she found Sebastian quickly.

However, as she walked in, she was surprised to find that the atmosphere of the college was wonderful.

-Exactly as she'd hoped it would be when her brother had described it to her. The hall was small, almost narrow but big enough so that you wouldn't touch someone walking past you. It was lined with lockers, all white and very clearly clean. The floor was a light wooden, shiny and polished, while the walls were also a similar light wood colour, lined with quotes of famous artists, writers, musicians. Aria smiled as she realised she recognised them all.

"Remember this, if nothing else:" she recited, smiling softly as she walked. "I love you more than there are words or stars. I love you more than there are thoughts, or feelings. I love you more than-"

She was interrupted. "-there are seconds or moments gone or to come. I love you." She tilted her head slightly to see who had come beside her, and her eyes widened slightly as she realised it was the younger surfer boy from yesterday- she struggled to remember his name. "Impressive." He gave her a charming small smile, his eyes shining.

She nodded, once, but didn't bother starting a conversation.

"I'm supposed to show you around." He said, looking at her curiously, as if shocked she wasn't happier about his arrival. She shrugged. "But I'm only gonna show you one place. The rest of the school is boring as shit."

She wanted to say she would rather just see the college and get as far from the boy who had just cursed for no logical reason as possible, but she didn't. She shrugged again.

"Okay," she said quietly, and his eyebrows flew up.

"Ah," he said. "So, she speaks."

Aria rolled her eyes, but didn't comment.

"Come on," he said, turning to walk. She followed hesitantly, keeping a step behind him. "I'll show you my favourite part of this college." She wanted to remind him that it was called a university, but suppressed the urge again.

He walked quickly past the halls, and the few people littered around watched him in admiration, or her in anger. She was confused.

"What's your name?" she asked, as he finally slowed down. He spun around, and looked utterly bewildered.

"You don't know my name?" he asked quietly. She stepped back slightly, startled. His sky-blue eyes were still wide, still shocked. "Seriously? You don't know who I am?"

"I'm sorry... D-did you tell me? I must have forgotten, I have a very bad memory and-"

"Alessandro," he said, gulping slightly as he turned back around, but his voice was still laced with confusion. "But everyone calls me Andro."

"Okay," she said quietly, awkwardly. "I won't forget this time."

He laughed, but it was more a breath, of amazement. "I didn't tell you in the first place, Ari," he said, and she frowned. Ari? Didn't it take permission to be called a nickname? "I just assumed... never mind." She wanted to ask- assumed what? But she didn't. He was...weird.

He pushed open the large oak doors that were the shape of rectangles, with the tops curved into arcs. She smiled, already knowing where this was by reading the quote above it by Bob Marley- One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.

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