9: Trapped

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Three weeks passed, and Aria didn't talk to the older Eden (quite gladly at that) once, but was still going strong with her friendship with the younger one.

She grinned at him from across the table as he threw a pea at her nose. Giggling slightly, she picked up a carrot and threw it back. He grinned.

"Stop it," Hero said strictly from beside them, his nose still dug into a file with a calculator in his hand. "If anything touches me, I'll kick both your asses."

"You taught me yourself that it's bad to hit a girl, Hero." Andro said, and though he tried to add amusement into his tone, there was still a tenseness between the brothers that Aria didn't understand. "Forgotten your own lessons?"

When Hero looked up, his eyes were sharp and narrowed at his brother. "Stay in your place, Alessandro." He said tensely. Aria gulped, and retreated. It was like being at a friend's house and watching them get told off by their parents. "Before I put you back there myself."

Andro rolled his eyes. She hadn't known the brothers long- barely 3 months now- but they had never, in front of her at least, been as tense as they were currently.

She breathed out a long breath as Andro turned his attention back to her.

"Are you signing up for the Talent Show?" he asked. She blinked, unaware that they did talent shows at univer- college. "I can come with you to sign up if you like-"

"No way," she interrupted, feeling colour rush to her face. From the corner of her eye, she saw Hero lower his book to peer at her from over it. "I can't sing in front of people."

"You sing in front of me," Andro said easily, as if it were as simple as that. Hero visibly rolled his eyes. "And you have a damn amazing voice at that."

Aria blushed further and sunk into her seat. "You're different," she said. I feel comfortable around you. "I can't... in front of the whole school? No chance."

"Probably not that good, then." Hero said, deadpan. She glanced at him, and rolled her eyes.

"Did anyone ask you to grace us with your opinion, brother?" Andro beat her to the insult. Hero's jaw tightened, and he looked at Andro so dangerously, it scared even Aria. "I thought not. How about trying to mind your own business for once?"

"That. Is. It." He growled, and dropped his file down with a slam that caused Aria to jump from her seat. The whole of the Cafeteria's eyes drilled into the Edens now. "Do you think, because I am your brother, I will let you talk to me like that?" He leaned forward on the table, yanked Andro's collar, and literally dragged him from his seat. "It's about goddamn time I teach you some fucking manners."

He pushed him, so that the younger Eden was stood. Though his posture was hard, Andro's eyes were afraid. Aria knew he had pushed the wrong buttons. She hated to admit it, but family's disrespect hurt more than anyone else's in the world. What Hero was currently showing- to Aria, at least, it was clear that it wasn't anger. It was hurt.

"I am your older brother," he spat the word as if it were posion. "And you think, because you fancy some random bitch, that you have nerve to talk to me like that? What are you trying to assert there, little brother, dominance?" His voice dropped to a growl. Andro's hands fisted, and Aria closed her eyes. Random bitch. It hurt more than she would have expected. "Well, go on." He stepped back and spread his arms. "Show your dominance over your brother, Alessandro."

Aria stood before Andro could respond, just as he took a threatening step forward, and stood between the brothers, a hand on boths' chest. As much as she despised being centre of attention- which she now was- she knew family was more important.

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