11: Verruca Vienna

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Andro stood on the balcony and felt his hair get ruffled by the slight breeze.

He held the violin under his chin, and played with such accuracy that, down below, the birds even listened closely.

He had his eyes closed, and imagined each note floating as he played it.  Kreutzer was one of the most difficult pieces to play, and Andro went at it as if he had no struggles in the world.

Finally, as the sun began to rise, and the birds flew away, the song came to an end.

He stood there as he bought the instrument down from under his chin and held it near his legs.

Opening his eyes, he stared at the large garden of the Eden mansion, and his eyes immediately went to the ball pit. He remembered the number of days, months, years he had spent in this garden with his brother.

He felt a pang of guilt inside his chest. Was he leading Aria on? He hoped not. She was stunning, and beyond talented. Once you got to know her, she was funny, and sassy. She was beyond intelligent, and Andro enjoyed being around her, got excited at the prospect of spending time with her- he liked her.

He just wasn't sure whether he liked her in the same with his brother did.

He lightly rubbed his smooth jaw. Was he being unreasonable? Of course he was. But he was also giving Hero a taste of his own spoilt,  entitled medicine.

He returned to his room before Hero could leave his own to enter their side-by-side balcony. He didn't want to face his brother just yet. Or ever.

He went down the stairs and made himself a cup of tea. He turned on the coffee machine as a force of habit, then flinched as he realised he would only do that for Hero.

He picked up his backpack then left, sliding his phone into his back pocket.

He drove to school in his own GOE. The Edens had their own favourite cars each from their garage, both of which were from their own company. Andro had the matte silver c7 GOE while Hero went for the black 9a. Andro's was more Jeep-ish, while Hero's was a classified sports car.

He got to school in 25 minutes. It was still very early, so he simply went to the Music Room, which was surprisingly empty.

He played for an hour or so, until his phone rang.

"Are you packed?" Was the first thing Gio said to him. His fingers skimmed the white C-sharp key.

"No," he replied honestly, and Gio sighed.

"I knew it." He mumbled. "Right, wait lemme get Isah on here- there we go."

"Yo," Isah's voice joined. From the background, he could hear Irina talking to Isah too.

"We need to get Hero and Andro to be good again." Gio said. Andro rolled his eyes.

"Still here." He mumbled, but kept silent as Isah made a sound of agreement.

"How, though?" He asked, sounding as if he was eating.

Gio was silent for a moment before he spoke. "Andro, swoop in any moment now."

Andro shrugged. "I didn't do anything wrong." He said. "I shouldn't have to apologise or make it up to him."

The door to the music room opened, and Gio came in, looking tired as he put his phone back into his pocket, leaned on the lid of the piano, snatched Andro's phone and spoke directly to Isah from it on loud speaker.

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