My Name Is....

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Chaeyoung's POV

Who was that? And why did she seem so familiar? I asked myself as I couldn't stop thinking about her. There was just something about her that I couldn't seem to figure out.

"YAH! SON CHAEYOUNG!!!" Someone shouted, snapping me out of thoughts. I looked around and saw my friends standing up with their things in their hands.

"What?" I asked looking confused. I gulped down the last few drops of my beer and stood up.

"You were spacing out. Come on. We're leaving now!" Jeongyeon shouted, grabbing my hands and dragging me outside. We walked over to the VIP parking lot and I entered my car along with Dahyun. Jeongyeon got into her own car along with Tzuyu. I dropped Dahyun off at her house first as it wasn't too far from where we were. And instead of heading home to face my father, I continued driving around. I didn't feel like going for a round 2 especially with how much energy our arguement from earlier took from me. Instead, I drove to my favourite park that I would always go to with my mum. This was our place. No one else ever came here with me. I just miss her so much. If she were here, none of this would be happening and my relationship with my father wouldn't have gone down the drain ever since her death.

I sat on the bench near the lake and looked at the moon's reflection on the water. I started feeling warm wet streaks down my face and that's when I realised that I had started crying. If only she were here.


"Sir, the Choi's are here!" One of the bodyguards shouted, waking me up from my sleep. There was a lot of commotion outside my room that I didn't know what was going on. I ran to my mum's room and saw how terrified she was. She beckoned me over so I went to her and hugged her tightly not wanting to let go. I started hearing gunshots downstairs and with each shot I would hug my mum even tighter. There was a brief of silence until someone barged into the room.

"Follow me! Boss told me to bring you to the emergency location!" My dad's bodyguard said whilst
panting at the door. My mum and I walked over to him and followed him to the location, I held my mum's hand the whole way there as I didn't want to lose her. When we got there my mum brought me to the room and laid me down on the bed. I tried sleeping but I couldn't stop thinking about my dad. I wished to see him standing by the door, smiling at us but it didn't happen. I started to worry even more as I couldn't bare the thought of losing him. Losing either one of them.

As time went by, I was just about to fall asleep from crying but the bang of the door slamming open, it frightened me enough that I jumped up on the bed. I looked up and saw a man standing by the door. He was holding a gun in his hands and blood spattered all over his black suit. I couldn't see his face properly as my vision was blurred from fear. Next thing I saw was him aiming his gun at me so I closed my eyes waiting to hear that intensified crack from the gun as its bullet fired through the air and into my body, I heard the gun go off and I waited for the immense pain I would soon feel. I waited and waited but I didn't feel it. I then heard another shot and yet I still didn't feel any pain so I slowly opened my eyes to see my mum on the floor with blood surrounding her. In front of her, by the door, the man was face down on the ground. His body lifeless. Without thinking, I sprinted over to my mum to see if she was alive. I put her head on my lap and all I heard from her was 'I love you' before she shut her eyes and took her last breath. I couldn't stop crying and shouting hoping that this was all a dream but it wasn't. My dad ran over to me when he saw me on the floor surrounded by my mum's blood. He started crying as well and saying that he would kill everyone who was involved in the massacre of our clan and most importantly, the murder of my mum.

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