How Could You?!

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Chaeyoung's POV

After parting our ways, I headed back home to get some sleep. But as soon as I entered my house, I saw my father sitting on our sofa, looking at his watch angrily. It seems he was waiting for me but I was too tired so I just quietly walked past him. I got to the bottom of the stairs before I felt a strong grip around my wrist, pulling me back.

"Where have you been?! I went to your room to let you know that we have a meeting with the Bhuwak's but you were nowhere to be found!" He shouted but I kept my cold face and just shook his grip off. I was finally in a happy mood and here he comes to ruin it.

"Why do I have to be there?! I have nothing to do with them!" I argued back once I was free from his grip.

"Have you forgotten about our discussion yesterday? You are going to be married to the son of the Bhuwak's for our business. And don't forget your place, young lady! I am your father so don't you dare raise your voice at me!" 

"How could you?! And since when have you been my father?! Fathers are supposed to care about what I want and not decide things like this without my permission! You don't deserve to be in that category! You are not my...Ugh" I stopped as I felt a stinging pain on my right cheek. It took me a while to realise that he had slapped me. This was the first time he had ever slapped me or physically hit me. I couldn't help but boil in anger so I pushed past him and walked out the door. I heard him shouting at me but I ignored it and got into my car. I drove to Jeongyeon's house which would be half an hour away.

Once I had arrived, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. Soon enough Jeongyeon opened the door and let me in.

"Chae, what's up? I thought you were going home to get a little bit of sleep again?" She asked as we sat down on her sofa.

"I was but he started shouting at me and slapped me after arguing with him about what he wants me to do. He just wants more power and money that he doesn't even think about how I would feel!" I explained. I could feel my anger boiling up again just remembering what had happened.

"Okay, just calm down. If you want you can stay here for as long as you need. Just don't break anything, okay?" She said while putting her hands on my back to calm me down a bit. I quickly calmed down and nodded before she got up and started heading to the kitchen.

"Thanks. I'm gonna go upstairs and take a nap." I thanked her and stood up as well to go to her spare bedroom to get some sleep. I slumped onto the bed and let my tiredness take control of my body.

(A few hours later)

I woke up to the sound of voices outside the bedroom. I looked at the time and saw that it was 8:18 pm so I got up and checked out what all the commotion was about. I walked down the stairs only to hear the voices getting louder. The voices were familiar but because I had just woken up, my hearing is still a bit off. I walked around the house until I came upon the game room. The door was slightly open so I walked in and saw Jeongyeon, Dahyun and Tzuyu playing Valorant. They haven't noticed my presence yet so I sat down on the remaining bean bag and just watched them. Just then Dahyun turned around as she celebrated yet another kill.

"JESUS!!! What the fuck, Chaeng?! How long have you been sitting there?!" Dahyun shouted as she clutched her chest. She even threw her mouse in the air and caught it once again before it hit the floor.

"HAHA! I didn't mean to scare you. I've been here for about 10 minutes watching you three play. It seems you didn't hear me and I didn't want to disturb you as it looked pretty tense. Mianhe~." I laughed seeing her reaction. The others soon joined in with the laughing. Dahyun just glared at us three and started sulking.

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