Episode 4

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I almost switched off the comm, just so I couldn't hear Pidge's despair seep into my ears, so Allura's worry wouldn't fill my head, but by the time I considered it, I had enough worries of my own to contend with. Why did it have to be pidge and Allura down there? That planet could be squished by a large alien at any second and she was spending those seconds in the very place she could be killed. I suppose I should be used to these life-threatening situations by now, but all I'm used to is the dreadful feeling of someone you care about being in danger. My thoughts drifted to the conversation a had with Allura earlier.

"You don't understand." No, I don't understand. How did she do this to me? Make me nervous and happy at the same time? Make me want to see her, but also never make eye contact again, because the more I see her the more I need to see her, and the fact she's now hanging around on a planet which is about to be destroyed is driving me mad.

Keith's voice sliced through my thoughts.

"It's still headed for Olkarion. We haven't slowed it down at all!"

"Pidge, Allura! I'm sorry but you gotta get out of there immediately!" Hunk cried.

"I need more time." Pidge sounded so upset. I started to open my mouth to protest. They needed to get off that planet.

"I'm coming up to help." Allura decided. I exhaled in relief but was surprised to find that dread still weighing the pit of my stomach. Maybe I hadn't been worried about Allura, but something, someone, else.

I had to stop the Weblum from reaching Olkarion.

"Over here! This way!" I tried desperately to alter the beast's course but instead ended up being almost lasered to death. Pidge needed to get out of there and fast.


"I'm sorry Pidge."

"I wish we could have done more."

I couldn't stop my eyes welling up with tears as we left Olkarion in pieces.

"The old gives way to the new." I attempted a smile despite myself, but it didn't seem to help. Instead, I passed on the information I'd learned to Allura and then sat back, staring into the nothingness of space. I was only pulled out of my reverie when the crackle of the comm invaded my thoughts.

"We'll find the Olkari again. Don't worry." Lance's voice was like a breath of fresh air. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. We were both silent for a minute as chunks of broken stars filled our vision.

"I'm glad you're okay." Lance sounded different. No longer jokey or messing around. I liked it. "I mean, it would have sucked if your death was 'death by Weblum laser'." I could hear his grin, and I groaned.

"You ruined it," I complained.

"Ruined what?" I shook my head.


"Wanna play a round when we get back? We've unlocked the new upgrades, remember?"

"I think I'll pass today." I sighed. "See you soon, Lance." I shut off the intercom and stared out into the galaxy, now devoid of Olkarion.


As soon as everyone had departed the lions, I beelined for Pidge's room. I get that she probably wanted to be alone - we all know how angst works - but I needed to check that she's okay. I went via my room to grab a couple of peanut butter cookies from my stash (we were going to need them) and was knocking on her door soon after.

"Who is it?"

"It's me."

"Come in," I slipped inside and surveyed the scene in front of me. Pidge lay facing the ceiling, spread-eagled on her bed. I sighed. There was a lot of work to be done.

"Budge up." I nudged her onto one side of the bed. "I brought cookies." She sat up and held out her palm. I broke one in half and offered her a piece, before hoisting myself onto the bed beside her. I opened my mouth to say something, but couldn't find anything intelligent to tell her. Instead, I opted for some typical half-hearted reassuring.

"The Olkari are clever. They'll survive." She nodded.

"I know they will. It's just... Olkarion was amazing. Their planet must have inspired thousands. And now it's been reduced to rubble." She sniffed and wiped her eyes before stuffing the rest of the cookie in her mouth. "I'm sorry. This is stupid." Her voice was muffled through the cookie.

"No, it's not. You deserve time to be upset. War is tough." I passed her the last of my half and draped an arm around her shoulders. "You are allowed to cry into my shoulder if you want."

She turned to me, puffy eyes narrowed. "Who do you think I am? A Disney princess? I'm not that soppy." I chuckled and gave her a squeeze.

"Couldn't have you ruining my t-shirt anyway."

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