Episode 7 (Part 1)

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"Lights, camera... Action!" Kinkade's camera started to record as Rizavi and he sat expectantly across the table from me and Keith. "So," he begun, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "How is life for everyone on the Atlas?"

Keith and I exchanged skeptic looks.

"Thrilling. We particularly enjoy the grueling training sessions." Keith leaned back in his seat. "The other day we even had some free time." We made eye contact and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. Keith, like the emo he was, had no trouble keeping a straight face.

"What did you do in your free time?" Rizavi queried. Keith shrugged.

"Me and Hunk watched some Gordon Ramsey. Guy's amazing. Hunk was all excited by the cooking, but the dude's merciless." His eyes became longing and wistful. "That was fun, I guess." Rizavi looked disgusted. She turned to me.

"What about you Pidge? Do you have anything more exciting to offer?" Ryan fiddled with the camera controls. I grinned at the memories.

"Lance and I reached level 15. That was awesome. I mean, it took a while, but it was worth it." Rizavi groaned.

"Cut." She scowled.

"You do know I'm the director." Kinkade half-heartedly reprimanded her. "Only I can say that." He turned off the camera anyway. Rizavi ignored him.

"'Lance and I did this, Lance and I did that!'  Don't you guys do anything fun in your free time?" Keith and I both shrugged. "Right. That's it. Unless we have to go kick some Galra butt later, we are having a party in my room." We started to protest, but Rizavi wasn't having it. "Tell the paladins, the rest of the MFE's... and I guess Shiro can come. Even though he's technically a 'responsible adult'... Oh! And Acxa. And Veronica." Rizavi and Kinkade started to pack up, and poor Kinkade had to listen to Rizavi's never-ending tirade of thoughts. Me and Keith took that as our cue to leave.

"Thank god that's over," Keith muttered under his breath to me. I nodded.


I finally found Lance and Hunk in the kitchen, with... My eyes narrowed as Lotor grinned from across the room, one ankle manacled under the table.

"Hello Pidge," He greeted me politely. I grimaced and went to sit where Lance was.

"Hey. I've been looking all over for you guys." I glanced over to where Lotor was inspecting his nails. "What's he doing here?" I whispered.

"I can hear you," Lotor grinned. "I'm right here." Lance looked pretty pissed.

"Don't ask me." He slouched down further in his seat. "Allura said he said he wanted company. She didn't want to keep him company-" Lotor scowled at that. "-so she ditched him with us."

"I like spending time with you guys too," Lotor sighed. "And I'm sure she would have loved to spend some time with me, but she wanted to talk to all those Alteans." I smiled sweetly at him.

"Keep telling yourself that." Me and Lance high-fived.

"Hey, I've had an idea," Hunk said. "I'll be back in a mo." We all watched as he jogged out the room.

"Oh!" I tried to fill the silence. "Rizavi's hosting a party tonight in her room." Lance perked up at the thought of a party.

"Huh." Lotor stared into space. "What would the dress code be for this party?"

"Casual, I guess," I shrugged, but was taken aback by Lance staring daggers at me. I realised what I'd done wrong. "Oh." I turned guiltily to Lotor. "Sorry, but I doubt you are invited. Only a select few, I suppose."

"No idiots allowed, sorry." Lance scowled. Lotor groaned passionately.

"Maybe I should just escape. There's no point hanging around here."

"No. There isn't. Please leave." Luckily, Hunk came back in time to interrupt their impending intense staring contest.

"Look what I got!" He waved a crumpled piece of paper in the air before slapping it down on the counter. "Coran wrote it for me. It's an Altean cookie recipe." 

"As much as I love cookies," I said, "why are you doing this?"

"Maybe all the Alteans we've captured just need a taste from home." Hunk stared wistfully at the paper. "They're probably all just confused and homesick." 

"We'll help you!" I started to pull bowls and crockery from the cabinets. "Won't we, Lance?" He nodded excitedly. 

"Ugh," Hunk combed through the fridge. "But cooking with you guys is so stressful." 

"What're you talking about?" Lance exclaimed. 

"Hey- hey!" Lotor fought to get a word in while Lance and I ran around the kitchen. "Can't I help?" Hunk regarded him carefully. 

"Here." He passed him some eggs and a bowl. "Whisk those."

"And don't poison them," Lance cut in with a grimace. Lotor ignored him and started to whisk.

"Hey," Me and Lance chopped up gods-know-what as I tried to talk to him. "You don't need to be so hard on Lotor. He's not the bad guy this time." I watched his blank face as he focused on the ingredients on the counter below him. "Lance. What's all this about?" 

"Nothing, ok?" He sighed and put down the knife. "He just... rubs me up the wrong way." My heart sunk as I realised what must be going on.

"This is about Allura, isn't it?" This time it was me immersing myself in the cooking. "Because they were together before Lotor went... bad." I paused as Hunk came to collect our shoddy handiwork. "Look, Lance. We are trying to save the world. We don't have time for this pettiness." Lance started to speak but I shook my head. "I'm going up to my room. I'll see you later. Good luck with the cookies." 

Why was I doing this? Was I... jealous? Of Allura? I supposed Lance and I had spent so much time together I'd forgotten about his infatuation with the princess. I frowned to myself and started to travel towards my room. Somehow, even on the shining aerodynamic floors of the Atlas, I still managed to scuff my shoes as I walked. I was just approaching my door when a flash of black came hurtling towards me. I was knocked backward on impact and the figure, who I saw was Keith, was sprawled on the floor too.

"Jeez, Keith. Watch where you're going." I picked myself up and glared at him.

"Sorry." He grinned sheepishly. "I'm trying to escape Shiro. He wants to 'catch up.'" He performed an impressive eyeroll as he spoke. "Actually," His expression turned thoughtful. "Can I hide in your room for a bit? Just until he gets off my case?" I sighed.

 "C'mon." I opened the door and we walked inside.

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