Episode 2

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"I don't get it. In what universe -" Lance's tinny voice paused over the comm. "Pidge, is there something playing in the background?" Pidge grunted.

"Mhm. I found a really old music playing device - a CD, I think, in my mum's box of old stuff and managed to download the music onto my computer. It's pretty good, actually." I stared out of the window. Despite leaving only a few hours ago, Earth was a tiny dot on the horizon, and I already was looking forward to returning. I tried to distract myself from my homesickness by going over Voltron's big plans, and talking to Lance. "And I installed some speakers before we left. And a drinks machine, now I think of it."

"What!" Lance cried. "Alright, I'm coming over. Let's hear this 'great music'."

I grinned. "See you in a sec." We disconnected and I did a quick sweep of the room before Lance burst in. "Whoa," I exclaimed. "You look like shit." He did, with huge bags under his eyes and his skin unusually wan.

"That seems to be everyone's response to me today." He grumbled, perching on the bed. "I can't believe you upgraded your room when no one was looking." Lance inspected the room, which looked quite average.

"I couldn't make it obvious, could I?" I explained. "Iverson would kill me for messing with the tech. But here." I pressed a button on the wall and it slid open to reveal the drinks machine. "Allura recommends the milkshake." I was quite proud of this invention, and I only let me touch it. Lance approached.

"Hey, that's cool. Must be... quantum transistors, right?" I nodded.

"I'll take a milkshake." I worked the machine while Lance explored my room. When I heard him snicker I turned. "Never seen you in this before," He held up a shirt with the green lion printed on it and the words TEAM VOLTRON written across the back. I blushed furiously.

"My mum made me pack that," I snatched it out of his hands. "Stop snooping." He lifted his hands in surrender.

"Hey I'm just saying, they're the height of fashion. I want one." He smiled but I shoved it back in a drawer and thrust his milkshake into his hands. We went over to the beanbags which I had moved from my old room, positioned in front of the window rather than the TV. I stared at the spot where the Earth had disappeared while Lance slurped his drink.

"I miss it already." I said wistfully, pushing my glasses back up my nose.

"Really? Don't you want to explore?" Lance gestured at the landscape of sky that filled our vision. "The whole universe is out there, ready for us to defend. I can't wait." I shrugged, and we sat in comfortable silence for a while.

"Hey, what's this song? I like it." Lance asked suddenly. Ukulele strumming had filled the room.

"It's called Someone You Like, I believe," I glanced at him. "It is my favourite too." He hummed along to the chorus.

I might never stop your sorrows,

Fix you up good as new,

But that don't mean that I can't hold your hand in mine...

"Did you know," Lance piped up, "I used to play some great ukulele tunes." I spluttered.

"I want a personal performance, please." He hit me playfully and grinned, and it took all my strength to hold back the blush creeping up my cheeks and keep the butterflies that had found a new home in my stomach under control.

"If you can find me a uke, I'll serenade you." 

It seems the butterflies are here to stay.

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