Episode 6

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"The Atlas can't go much further due to the Petrulian Zone's radiation." Coran hurriedly pressed and pushed buttons and switches, as I stood by his chair, trying desperately to figure out some solutions to our problems. The biggest problem being Honerva's bloodlust, and the smallest being the fact Lance and I still hadn't figured out where Shiro had hidden Lance's peanut butter cookie stash. I was still salty about that. As I contemplated whether Shiro might have put them on the top shelf in the kitchen as a dig at my height, I felt Lance come up behind me. He leaned forward, so his mouth was at my ear. My cheeks reddened from the close contact, and everything happening around me faded into background noise.

"We have to go," He spoke quietly but I somehow heard him over the cacophony of the Atlas. He grinned, blissfully ignorant to my flustered-ness and started towards the lion's bay.



I think my brain has stopped working. My mouth is probably hanging open like a goldfish, but I'm too pre-occupied to care. It seems the whole battle has paused around me as I take in what is happening on the far-off steps all the way down on the ground. There is Honerva, looking generally evil. I cannot tell exactly what is going on, but nothing can stop the wave of horror as I see Allura sprinting toward Honerva, brandishing a wicked-looking weapon, and the tall, ominous figure approaching behind them.


However despicable my mother is, she does not deserve to die. Or maybe she does, but I will not allow Allura to be a killer. I have not even begun to fathom how I am here, in this solid, vibrant reality before I find myself knocking Allura off her murderous course and then we are rolling down the steps in a tangle of limbs.

When we stilled, Allura's gaze met mine. The horror reflected in her eyes will haunt me for eternity.

"You- you are meant to be dead," Allura gasped, as she fought to stand up. I wiped my face of emotion as I answered.

"It will take more than quintessence to be rid of me." But Allura's attention was no longer on me but behind me. My instincts kicked in and I threw myself as far from Allura as I could, but it was too late. The yellow lion had me in it's clutches, and then the world went black.


When I came to, the bright lights of a med bay were obscured by a face. A very beautiful one.

"How are you here?" Allura demanded. I shook my head and sat up slowly, trying to ward off the intense dizziness.

"I do not know." I took in the rest of Allura's team watching me closely from a small distance. "My guess is the Sincline somehow protected me from the harsh environment of the quintessence field, and therefore-" I was cut off by the the red lion's paladin, Lance, who was sat beside Pidge Gunderson.

"Why are you here?" He narrowed his eyes and turned to his companions. "He is obviously working with Honerva. She's his mother, for God's sake-" This time it was my turn to interrupt.

"Honerva is no mother of mine." I scowled at their skeptical faces. "I grew up with her beside me, and she never spared me a kind thought. I am on your side of this war."

"We are not stupid. You can't be trusted." Keith crossed his arms.

"Yeah." Hunk Garrett piped up. "We trusted you before, and it didn't end well."

"This is different." I bit my lip in frustration. "My mother must be stopped. Whatever she is doing, I know it will not end well. She is endangering everyone in this universe, including me." 

Lance scoffs.

"Seriously?" He shakes his head. "Allura, you get it. He has to get off the Atlas. He could be spying on us for Honerva right this second." Everyone's focus moved to Allura, standing by my bedside. Our eyes met.

Lance stood up abruptly.

"I'm going to bed," He growled and stomped out of the brightly lit room. Pidge looked around desperately before following. Everyone watched them make their exit.

"I think he should stay." Allura spoke quietly, but not weakly.

"You're joking, right?" Keith stared angrily between me and Allura.

"If he is speaking the truth, he will be helpful in the final showdown between us and Honerva."

"Allura, a day ago you were hoping to kill Lotor yourself," Shiro finally spoke from the corner of the room. "Now you want to work with him? When he could easily betray us, just like he has before?"

"We'll monitor him closely." Allura ran a hand through her hair, whilst stifling a yawn. "We won't trust him until we are sure of where his loyalties lie. But he could be invaluable in our fight against Honerva's tyranny."

"I think it's time we all get some sleep." Shiro started to usher the others out. "We can discuss this further when we are better rested." 

Everyone quickly departed, muttering to each other, but I grabbed Allura's arm before she could go. I didn't miss her flinch at my touch.

"Although I am alarmed by your lust for my blood, I thank you." I spoke quickly, willing the words out before they got stuck in my throat.

"If it will make beating Honerva possible, I will do anything." She didn't meet my eyes.

"I still appreciate your support."

"Don't. And it's not support. Just-" She sighed. "Go to sleep. In the morning we want to know everything you know about Honerva's plans." I didn't bother telling her that I was as oblivious to Honerva's plots as she was.

Her shoes barely made a noise on the shining floors as she shut the door behind her. 


I waited for Allura outside the med bay. A few minutes after the others left, she emerged, looking thoroughly put out. 

"Allura," I jogged to catch her up as she strode towards the dorm rooms. "I don't know whether this is what you want to hear, but I was hoping you could be the one to spend some time with Lotor. Try and figure some stuff out." I took her silence as a sign to continue. "I think you would be best for this role, considering your close... personal relationship, before everything happened." She whirled around to face me.

"Doesn't that make me the least qualified for the job?" She scowled. "I was stupid enough to fall for his tricks before. How do we know this time will be any different?" 

"We don't. But I do not think his alliance with us in the past was completely false. Lotor is an interesting and complex person. I think you were right back there. He could be a real asset to our team." I smiled and placed a hand on the princesses shoulder. "Get some rest. Tomorrow we will figure out what Lotor's deal is." 
She nodded tiredly and turned the corner. I was left in the darkened corridor, playing that moment over and over, when Allura and Lotor's eyes had met and they glowed. Literally glowed. Their marks emitted a beautiful light, and neither seemed to notice. And I wondered if Lotor being useful for the team wasn't the only reason Allura wanted him to stay.

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