Episode 12

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The ship was in chaos. After Allura had woken up we found Honerva - or rather, Honerva had found us. She was after Lotor. He had refused to go with her, and she got angry. The only thing stopping her from traversing realities was the hope that she could create her own perfect reality right there. And when she realised that it wasn't going to happen, she had taken control of the Alteans and fused her mech with Lotor's Sincline. The rift opened, and she went through it. We had tried to stop her, but this time even Voltron wasn't strong enough. The whole ship was hoping that Coran's idea of fusing the Atlas and Voltron would work because otherwise, we had no chance of defeating Honerva. And time was of the essence. The less time the rift in realities was open, the better.

I was sitting with Pidge next to her lion. She was tinkering with the controls, and I was keeping her company. Not that I was very good company. We were silent, both lost in thought. We had been sent away from the bridge until Shiro and the others had a plan. We couldn't be of any help this time. I watched her lean over her work. She had tied her hair up into a little top-knot, but large tufts of it still framed her face. She took off her glasses and polished them feverishly. I felt my throat tighten.

"What if this is it?" I blurted. She looked up. "What if the next few hours is all we have left?"

"Don't say that-"

"Honerva is out there somewhere, ripping apart realities as we speak. There are versions of us out there, and we are being ripped apart." I swallowed. "It could happen any second-"

"Lance, stop." Pidge put down her screwdriver and sat down in front of me, her full body armour creaking slightly. "You know what? We are lucky." She gripped my hand. "There must be realities out there where we never admitted our feelings to each other. Realities where we haven't even met. I feel so lucky that I got to kiss you. That I get to be with you. Even if it was only for a few days." She pulled me into a hug. I kissed the top of her head.

"I'm going to miss you," I said. She sniffed.


We were all sitting in our lions, hurriedly pulling on our helmets and strapping on our seat belts.

"What is this about, Coran?" I asked through the comms. Before anyone could answer, everything turned silvery, almost translucent. "What's happening?"

"It's working," Pidge breathed. "The Alteans are fusing the Atlas and Voltron. We can go after Honerva." She popped up onto my dashboard and looked at me with shining eyes. "There's still a chance. We could have longer, Lance. Our whole lives, forever."

I grinned. "I love you."


I sat in the Red Lion, my leg jiggling nervously. This was a different reality. Were Pidge and I out there somewhere? Did we know each other? It didn't matter. Because if Honerva wasn't happy, this would all be gone soon anyway. We'd pursued her through reality after reality, but now she had finally stopped. The Voltron-Atlas - or as I like to call it, the Vatlas - was hovering above a palace on a clean, alive Daibazaal. Honerva was in there somewhere, and there was no way she hadn't noticed us, with all of the screaming citizens scrambling to get out of our way. The team was discussing our next move, and I zoned back in at the sound of Pidge's voice.

"There are hundreds of people about. If we have a fight-"

"Pidge is right. We need to defeat my mother, but not at the cost of all the people in this reality." Lotor's clipped accent cut across Pidge. He was inside the Blue Lion with Allura. I relished in my lack of jealousy. Our discussion was interrupted by Honerva's mecca bursting from the palace.

"I suppose Honerva doesn't have the same reservations as us." I sighed.

Honerva's voice echoed across the planet. "If there is no place in this universe for me, then there will be no universe at ALL."

Lotor sighed. "Ah. Always one for the theatrics."

"This is no time for joking around." Allura scolded. "Honerva must be stopped, and now."

A/N: yes I know this one is short and kinda shit but hopefully the last one is better. pls don't at me about the length because I watched The fucking Zenith for this and it was torture. I also know my plot is bad but honestly, its still better than the original lol. if you can tell my motivation has gone down the toilet but i will try to make the last one good and the will get a good ending that will totes water your plance. btw yes this is a secret hint that i need a writing intervention

this chap is dedicated to @weareagoodteam cos she listened to my moaning and i forced her to watch some of the laser bits in the episode on facetime
edit: turns out that isn't her username anymore so that's a bit trippy smooth-jazz I'm trying my best guys

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