Episode 9 (Part 2)

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"Shiro? We're experiencing fluctuations in Voltron's energy signature... Shiro?"

I jolted back to attention at Coran's calls. I had to shake off the distractions, this was my family at stake. I told Coran to wait and ordered everyone to run diagnostic checks to keep us all busy.

"Sir?" I spun around. There stood the very person I was trying to avoid. Curtis looked unruffled amidst the chaos on board, however, he seemed slightly amused. "Sorry," He started, "but your button..." He gestured awkwardly at my chest.

"Oh." I peered down my front and cursed myself. My jacket was bunched up from throwing my clothes on in a hurry this morning. Just the impression I wanted to make.

"Here." Curtis reached forward and deftly fixed my uniform. If I was ridiculously flustered by our closeness, Curtis was the opposite. He straightened and smiled. "Is it too hot, sir? I can turn down the AC."

"W-what?" I stared at the commander, who was smiling playfully. "D-don't worry, it's fine." I ducked away before he could continue. Before I could gain any real distance, Rizavi grabbed my shirt sleeve.

"Shiro? Coran says he needs you in the rec room."

"What? Why? Things are kind of crazy right now, this isn't the best time-"

Rizavi shrugged. "That's just what he said."


When I finally reached the rec room, Coran was nowhere to be seen. I was about to head back to the bridge when Curtis rushed through the door.

"Sorry, Coran said he needed-"

I narrowed my eyes. Something wasn't right. I turned toward the door, but it was too late. Rizavi and Kinkade were grinning as they slammed the door and clicked the lock shut. Curtis and I threw ourselves against the door perfectly in sync, but to no avail.

"What do you two think you're doing? The ship needs me!" I peered through the little square of glass at the two cadets grinning smugly.

"It'll be fine. We've told Coran that you and Commander Curtis are... indisposed, but I don't think he heard. We are all perfectly capable. No one will even notice you guys are gone!" Rizavi gave a big thumbs up.

"What? No! That's not a good thing!" Curtis murmured, peeking through the glass. "You guys are definitely on the next cleaning duty."

"We'll get started right away, sir." Kinkade saluted smartly, but as he turned away I caught the ghost of a grin.

"We'll come back to free you later!" Rizavi trilled. They vanished around the corner before we could even start to beg.

"What now?" Curtis asked.

"I'll contact Coran. He'll get us out." I searched my pockets for my communicator. Then it dawned on me. I groaned. "I left it in my room this morning. Do you have yours?" Curtis shook his head defeatedly. "Okay. We're gonna have to wait until the cadets come back to get us. We can..." I searched the room, and my gaze snagged on the table football. I grinned. I knew we were meant to be worried about the fate of Voltron, but a selfish part of me was excited to be here. Alone. With Curtis. "Are you any good?" I gestured to the table. He smiled.

"No disrespect, sir, but I could wipe the floor with you."

"We'll see."


It didn't take long to discover the decisive winner. Curtis grinned triumphantly and flopped down onto the sofa. I sat down beside him.

"I demand a rematch," I declared, turning to face him. He sat up at the challenge.

Curtis was slightly breathless, with blushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. They flicked between my eyes and my mouth, as my whole face rapidly reddened (yet again). Curtis reminded me of something, something I hadn't seen or felt for years. Something that reminded me of home.

He swallowed, and his hand brushed against mine. I tried to ignore how we were less than 20 centimetres apart, but instead, I felt my heart speed up and my breath catch.

"Sir-" Before he could finish, I leant in. His hands came up to cradle my head as our lips met. His fingers tangled in my hair and I clutched his shirt, desperately needing some kind of anchor. Curtis ripped himself away long enough to gasp; "Sir, should we be-" but I cut him off, just the sound of his voice enough to make me desperate. This was what I'd been waiting for, what I'd needed. Him.


We were lying on the floor, staring up at the glow-stars Lance had insisted on putting on the ceiling and wolfing down the chocolate we'd found in the cupboard. I'd lost track of how long we'd talked, and I relished in the feeling of being able to share my worries and thoughts with someone who was not basically still in the womb.

It was like how it was with Adam, but different. Here was someone who understood the choices I'd made, and would support me in doing something crazy, like going to space, any day. Of course, I still missed him. I'd loved Adam. But I could see it. A future. Where Curtis filled that gap that had been there ever since Kerberos. And I couldn't wait until I started to feel whole.

We shared our stories of the Garrison, and training, and before all that when we had been normal kids doing normal things. By the time Kinkade delicately opened the door and Rizavi burst in, boasting about how every toilet on board was 'squeaky clean', I felt like Curtis knew me inside and out. But that didn't stop us from running through the door and immediately splitting ways, already shouting orders, without a word. 

thanks @weareagoodteam for doing a tad of editing you're a ledge

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