Chapter 11:

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Hannahs POV: 

        'haha ugly, Louis won't like you for long' I wiped the tears from my face. My eyes fell back onto the screen of my blue Iphone. 'Just go die already'. A small whimper escaped my mouth, I had an idea and rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. This was to much and it was only one date, I can't handle this. I sat against the wall holding a glass cup.  I want to do this, the hate won't stop and I know it. Without thought i smashed the cup against the wall. "Hannah?" I heard Louis say from the other side of the door. "Hannah are you on the toilet" I grabbed a peice of glass and held it to my wrist. I let out a small scream and Louis opened the door slowly then all at once. I pushed the glass deep into my wrist and yelled at him to get out. "Hannah please stop, I don't want to have to do what I am about to do." I took that as a hint and I bolted past him into my room and hid under the blanket. I winced as my wrist made contact with the blanket. Realizing how foolish I was I peeked out from the blanket to see Louis looking under the bed and catch my eye. 

" My god, what have you done, what have I done" He murmured to himself. I hid my face and my phone under my butt. I guess he saw what I did but he picked me up and snatched up my phone. He didnt have to unlock my phone to see what they were saying. He looked at me and pulled me into his chest which made me start to cry. "shhhh it is okay, I can fix it" He said calmly. "Louis I, I cant do this it ju" He cut me off "I know but I know you can get through it, I know you can." He pulled me even closer and kissed my forehead while rocking side to side. About 10 minutes of cuddling I started to drift off to sleep. 

Louis POV:

A light snore pulled me out of my game. I looked over at her and chuckled a little. Her cheeks were red but her expression was soft. I opened instagram and took a picture of me and her. "With this lovely one, had a little bit of a rough time with all of the negativity but we can get through it, and I know you will all be nice to her now. If you would please shower her with love because she is amazing and I want you guys to get to know her, she is absolutley lovely." I posted the picture and in a second there were many comments saying that they shipped us and that they loved her. I couldnt help but smile. 

Nialls POV:

"I am so glad that you got past our, rough spot" I said to stella. "I am still not happy with it, Hannah is up there crying after one thing that happened." She frowned and gave me a look. "I know and I am sorry but I know the fans will grow to love all of you guys." She smiled and nodded. We walked outside and I caught sight of a football(soccer ball) in the yard. "Do you play?" I asked her "Haha no its Hannahs she plays on a select team." She said. "Oh, well Louis is going to love that, he will finally have someone other than me to kick it around with." I added. "You play, really, you play soccer with those stick legs!?" She laughed and then covered her mouth. I gave her a look, kind of like the one she gave me. "Yes I play with these stick legs" I kicked it around and did some tricks and accidently kicked it into the back yard. Stella giggled and gave me another look as to say to go get it. I ran to get it and she ran after me. I opened the wooden gate and caught sight of the football, in the pool. I got on my knees and started pawing at the water until I was pushed in. I shook off my hair and saw stella on the ground laughing like a maniac. I took the chance and grabbed her arm and pulled her in with me. 

"Oh my god you idiot, I am going to kill you. She tried to say angrily as she hit me on top of my head. "haha your so cute" I covered my mouth and slapped my self on the face. She just blushed and threw the football at me. 

(OMG... sorry it is so short I have not had time to write with school and everything. vote please and follow my instagram @hannah_tomlnson please, thanks!!!

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