Chapter 1:

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Cats POV

        Every night of a show, no matter how big or small the crowd will be, I stare in the mirror and prepare myself. I look at my plain face with rather ordinary features. Brown hair with blonder highlights, a petite figure, freckles dusted all over my body, and hazel eyes. Average, ordinary. Nothing that I was proud of, at least till I got on stage. Everything changed when I stepped on stage with my keyboard and guitar as the crowd applauded my arrival. I played in small bars and occasionally at friends parties, at their request, but nothing more. That never seemed to stop me, I pursued on.

       Tonight was going to be different, one of my biggest crowds yet. Possibly 1000 people were going to be at this museum event tonight.  I drive an hour from my home town in Gainseville Texas to get to Dallas, where I usually perform. I had been waiting for this night for the past two months. My friends, Stella, Hannah and I were all excited. They always came to every one of my shows (when they could) . 

        I ran through out my house trying to find my one and only pair of heels in the mess of a place that I get to call home. I'm 20, living on my own because my family couldn't afford to put me through music school, the only school I desired to go through, so I stayed back. Finally after rummaging through my dozens of clothes stacked on a single chair I found my shoes. I took one last glance at a mirror in the corner gazing at myself, then becoming quite disappointed with what I saw, I ran out the door. Stella and hannah were sitting on the hood of a pick up truck waiting for me to hurry up so we could get to the Dallas Museum of Art.  Hannah's hair was down set into perfect beachy waves as usual, and Stella's pin straight. Nothing out of the blue, but I knew tonight was to be spectacular.

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