Chapter: 4

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Hannah's POV

        His name was Harry. He had glistening green eyes. They stood out and caught Cat's eyes and also mine. I can tell from the way his attention is centered to Cat the whole time, even if she wasn't talking. I couldnt help but notice a wave of jealousy roll through me. I could see that Cat felt for him, I mean who wouldn't with curly brown locks and a beautiful pair of eyes, I bet he has girls knocking down his door. He says he sings which is just great since cat sings. I am just the athletic girl that nobody likes because guys would rather have tiny girls who don't sweat for a common past time. 

        He says he has other friends, four to be exact. They have known each other for four years and they are really close. Knowing Cat, she will make this boy love struck for her beauty, which I long for. I was brought out of my jealous thoughts to Stella saying to hurry out of the booth. Harry had left after he helped pay for dinner. We were bored and decided to go back to my house to stay the night. We stopped by Cat's house first and she brought her clothes, make up bag and a swimsuit. Once we left her house we went to Stella's and she brought the same things and her camera. She never went ANYWHERE without here camera. I think it is becasue she thinks she can hide herself behind it instead of talking. We rushed back to my house before it was to late to go swimming. While in the car, Cat brought up how Harry had just texted her asking if we would all come over to his place tomorrow night  to meet his friends and go see a movie and what not. 

She gladly accepted as well as Stella and I. I haven't seen Stella more excited in a while since she just broke up with her abusive boy friend. Once we arrived at my house we all put on our swim suits and jumped in the warm pool. Stela's seimsuit was a pink and white bikini with a bow on it. Cat's was a floral bikini. Mine was a mint green bikini with a jewel in the middle.The whole time Cat and I were stunting Stella. It was the perfect end to an amazing day for all of us. My team won my soccer tournament and Stella sold some of her photos. Cat of course met a beautiful guy and had a flawless concert. I pushed aside my jealousy at the end of the day to congratulate her again. Then we all yawned and fell asleep on my floor. 

Stella's POV

Yesterday was the best day ever! We crashed on Hannah's floor at about 2:30 last night. Hannah and Cat both woke up at eleven but not me, I woke up at seven out of habit. When you live in a poor family you have no time to sleep. You have to wake up early so you have time to get all your chores done and still get to work on time to try to make money for your family. Even though I have a major passion for photography, it doesn't pay the bills, so I'm a barista at Starbucks. Sice my mom died in a car accident when I was nine, I don't have a mother. Although I have a co-worker,Janice, that treats me like she is my mom. I love her so much. She has basically done everything a mom should do like talk to you about your problems and teach you girl stuff.

After I woke up, I coouldn't go back to sleep so I decided to plan what I am going to wear tonight when we go meet Harry and his friends. Only to relize I have no dresses. They have either A- gotten too small or B-gotten ripped to shreds by my dog, Jasper.

As soon as Cat and Hannah woke up I practically screamed at them, " I need a dress for tonight!"

Cat quickly said, "Calm down, we wear the same size you can borrow one of mine and shoes too." I am so lucky to have her as a friend. We drove over to her house to get ready . Hannah decided that she would bring her clothes to Cat's house and get dressed there. When we got there I raced up to her closet. I searched through all the dresses and found the perfect one. Now I just have to find shoes and some accessories. I found a cute pair of heels and a necklace that I felt satisfied with. Hannah helped me curl my hair and I was ready to go. Cat had on a long, strapless, white lace dress that had the back cut out. She mached it with black pumps that had a strap around the top and her hair was curled at the bottom. Hannah had on a dark blue, strapless dress with sequins in details at the top. She had on tall black wedges with her brunnette strands in beach waves. I had on a short, pink, high low dress with a strapless sweetheart neckline and a belt made of jewels that seperated the wrapped top from the flowy bottom. I paired it with plain white heels while my blonde hair was in loose curls that was in a half up half down style.

Cat had got a text from Harry that we needed to meet him at the movie theater at 5:30. We were seeing The Conjuring. It was five right now and it was a little far way considering we were in the country so we decided to get going. We arrived at the place at exactly 5:30. It was a very nice movie theater.

Before we got out of the car, Cat texted Harry to make sure he was there. When we got a reply that he was there we stepped out of the car. I was the last one to get in the movie theater. We walked up to Harry but he was alone. Hannah asked where the others were to find out they were getting us tickets and food. When I saw four male figures walking towards us and Harry, I figured that was them I saw Hannah staring at one that had brown hair gelled up into a quiff and clear blue eyes. He was attractive but he was not the one that caught my eye. It was a guy with a blonde quiff and sparkling blue eyes.

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