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Stella's POV

        Hannah and I were sitting on the hood of my pale blue truck, that I was ashamed to call my own. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. But just an hour ago I had one of the many fights that I have with my brother. He was outraged  because I had not only told him I was going into town today, but that I had left the kitchen a mess. Something else was disturbingly wrong but he wouldn't dare say.  His pale face had turned red with anger... I wish I could've run to my room and picked up my camera, slinging it over my shoulder and sliding down the banister of our stairs to capture him in that moment. I had never seen him like this, with so much emotion and fury, it was almost terrifyingly beautiful. Connor always told me that I saw too much good in the world, and that was going to be my weakness. Who knew that he coudn't have been more right?

        People ask me all the time "How do you capture the world in all of its complexity in one shot?" I am never quite sure how to answer, I'm not one for talking anyways, so I usually just shrug and smile. Cat is the one to talk, she could ramble on for hours speaking to the same person. Hannah is all action, she would rather take them outside and beat them in a game of soccer than have a simple conversation. I would rather look through the lens of my nikon than speak to some stranger.  I was extremely short and blonde with piercing blue eyes, my striking features making up for my extremely introverted personality. Nothing was wrong with being shy of course, but it didn't always help when you become mute while trying to talk to guys. That night, my personality got in the way of what should've been mine.

Hannah's POV

        Around 4:00 I arrived home from practice sweaty and panting. I opened the door to the mammoth of a house that I get to call "home sweet home". Yeah right, when you walk in, you feel like you are walking into some expensive sculpture garden. You feel like you can't touch anything because if you do it will shatter into a million pieces and your family will be in debt for the next millennium or so. Everything in my house is white and extremely bright because the front of our house is one giant window. It's something you would see in one of those Beverly hills shows except we live in a town with less than ten thousand people. I guess that's what you get when your parents are part of an extremely sucessful oil buisness. I only had 30 minutes to get ready before Stella had to pick me up so that we could drive over to Cats, but I didn't worry because my routine is very quick and simple. Shower, Mascara, Clothes, Go. By the time i get to Cat's my hair is a giant frizz ball, as usual, but I ignore it, because honestly I could care less what poeple think of my shitty looking hair. That night I wish I would've cared just a little bit more.


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