The USJ Incident

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*Shi's pov*

Me and Katsu were transported to the ruins zone with Kirishima.

"You okay?" asked Katsu.

"Yeah, what about you??" 

"I'm fine." Said Katsu with a smile. 

"Oi! I know you love each other and all, but can you help me defeat these villains please?" Asked Kirishima.

I smirked and stretched,

"Jump up on the count of 3." I said with confidence. Kirishima looked confused and Katsu nodded.




"GO TO HELL!!!" I yelled as i faced both of my hands downwards and the whole room was encased in ice. Everyone froze except from Katsu and Kirishima.

"Hey! I'm gonna take care of the villains outside." said Katsu as he was sort of annoyed that he didn't get any action.

"Wait!" I said to both of them. They turned to me confused.

"The villains obviously don't know our quirks otherwise they would've sent Katsu to the shipwreck zone since his quirk is explosions. This means we can use this to our advantage!" I declared with a smile and Katsu and Kirishima smirked.

"Rest, Shi." Said Kirishima.

"You sent a huge amount of your quirk just then, so we'll take care of the fucking bastards outside, 'kay?" Asked Katsuki. 

"Okay!" I said with a smile. They beat up the villains outside and we rushed to the centre where the attack was because i know that dad was not going to last long in there. 

Dad was all bloody and bruised and his elbow was disintegrating as the man with hands all over his face touched him. The monster grabbed a hold of dad and the hand man headed towards where Izuku was and dad was trying to protect them.

"DAD!!!" I yelled as my Demon Hands quirk activated. I bared my teeth as my devil horns and demon wings appeared.  A red aura surrounded me as i yelled,


I lunged towards the monster with speed from my wings and hit it with all my strength. It flew backwards and i rushed towards my dad.

"Dad! Are you okay?!" I asked. He gave me a smile and whispered,

"At least i didn't get my head slammed on the floor." I laughed and slapped him on the back of his head with a bit of my strength,


"Ouch! I'm your dad, show some respect. Plus, you've been hanging around Bakugo too much." whined dad.

"Gotta go save the others first!" I yelled as i sped towards Izuku and kicked the hand guy into the water, barely missing Tsuyu's head.

"BITCH!" Yelled the hand guy from the water. The black portal guy transported the hand guy back on land and told the monster to go after me.

"Shit..." i cursed under my breath as Katsuki and Kirishima was about to jump into action. I lifted my right hand up to tell them to stop.

"Izuku! Tsuyu! Mineta! Carry Aizawa-sensei back to Thirteen!" I ordered and they obeyed. 

As the monster headed towards me, the hand guy decided to attack Katsu and Kirishima. I helped them block the hand guy's attack by using my ice quirk. A sudden punch to my jaw made me angry.

"You punch like a fuckin bitch!" i yelled as i was flying all the way to the shipwreck zone. Before i reached it, a pair of cold and hot hands held me bridal style. I looked up and saw that it was Todoroki who had saved me.

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