The Battle Tournament Part 2

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Sorry for the delay, as i said, i  was busy drawing for the end of Haikyuu.

*Shi's pov*

The second round of pairings were shown on the screen:

Round 1: Todoroki and Midoriya.

Round 2: Bakugo and Tokoyami.

Round 3: Kirishima and Korudo.

Round 4: Lida and Ibara.

After reading the board, I looked towards Kirishima and he looked towards me too. We grinned at each other and pointed finger guns at each other,

"Hell yeah!" We said in sync. Katsu just gave us a glance and rolled his eyes at our 'stupidity'. 

"Oi, don't be reckless this time or I'll punch the hell out of you." I gave him a smirk,

"Says the one who started yelling like crazy for me."

"Shut up." He grabbed me by the waist and placed his lips on mine, effectively shutting me up. 

"Get a room!!!" Yelled Denki and Kirishima, and i parted from Katsu with a laugh,

"Sorry, sorry. Let's go watch the first round now, shall we?" They all nodded and we headed to the stands. The battle between Todoroki and Midoriya was intense. I was surprised that Todoroki used his left side, as he hated that side. I smiled,  i guess Izuku does have that effect on him. I turned towards Katsu,

"Yo, it's your turn, you better head to the rooms now." He huffed,

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Accompany me?" I grinned,

"Lonely without me?"

"Mhm sure, whatever you say." My eyes widened and i chuckled before grabbing his hand and walking him to the rooms. Upon arriving, i gave him a kiss on the forehead,

"Tokoyami's a bad match-up. I feel bad since your quirk will completely overpower his, but anyway, good luck Katsu." He gave a small smile,

"Good luck for your match. It's right after mine."

"Mm, Kirishima's a pretty good rival if i do say so myself." He shook his head and headed in the room. 

Todoroki and Izuku's match ended with Todoroki winning. Like i predicted, Bakugo won his match due to the fact that his quirk was explosion meaning it's a light quirk. Dark Shadow + Light= Not good. That was how Katsu won. 

It was finally time for me to fight Kirishima. Upon stepping on the stage, I grinned and Kirishima grinned back,

"Don't hold back."

"Of course i won't. Who do you take me for?"

With that, the battle begun. Kirishima charged at me, swinging his arm to punch me, but i just about dodged it. I grabbed the arm and stepped behind him. He was quick to react and turned his body around, hardening his arm, making me let go. His quirk made my hand bleed and i sighed, letting the blood drop. Looking towards Kirishima, a smirk adorned my features as he charged towards me, bad choice. I stepped back, and he stepped on my blood. I manipulated it to lift him up and throw him out of bounds. Of course he was trying to resist, but i threw him out of bounds faster. I ended up winning, and i walked over to Kirishima, holding my hand out,

"Good fight." He grinned and took my hand,

"We'll definitely have to spar more." I nodded and we went off the stage. 

Lida ended up winning the next round. The screen then showed the next pairings:

Round 1: Todoroki and Bakugo.

Round 2: Korudo and Lida.

I chuckled as i stayed in the room with Katsu,

"This is gonna be pretty fast." Katsu groaned,

"Oh my god, don't you fucking start this shit."

"It was funny though!" He shook his head and proceeded to grab me into a hug, his face nuzzling into my neck. I pecked his cheek and basked in the warmth of the hug. 

"Alright, ya gotta go out there and fight Todoroki now." He hummed and gave me a kiss before walking out of the room and to the stage. I stayed in the room and watched the TV that was on live. I can tell why Katsu was getting annoyed. Todoroki was technically underestimating Katsu because he didn't want to use his left side. It made it seem like he didn't want to use his left side because he believes he can defeat Katsu without it.

"Oh my crap, Katsu is losing it." I sighed as i ran out. Katsu did his final blast as Todoroki put out his flames instead of using it against Katsu. 

After the explosion, Katsu lunged at Todoroki and i ran over, stopping Katsu before Midnight could use her quirk. I grabbed him by the shirt and slapped him on the cheek. It would've just made things worse if i punched him,

"Katsuki! Get a grip! You've still got a match after this one! If Todoroki chooses to not use his left side, then so be it. It doesn't mean he's underestimating you, even if that's what it seems like! Everyone has a reason for everything. Now calm down, before you lose your cool again." He growled and calmed down, as i released my grip on his shirt. 

"Okay. I'm sorry." He whispered to me. I nodded and smiled,

"Good. Now be a good boy and get off of the stage before my match starts." Everything got cleared off of the stage and it was just me and Lida on the stage now. He was a silent, but annoying guy if i do say so myself. This battle is gonna be easy as I've already got my plan set out. I charged at him and as expected he dodged when i tried to kick him. He landed a punch on my injured arm, making me wince as i hit the floor, close to the line. I mentally grinned as he charged at me with his quirk, intending to make me go out of bounds. At the last second, i stood up, and dodged, kicking him on the back and he ended up sprawled on the floor, out of bounds due to the fact that he didn't stop on time. I won that match, meaning my next and final opponent was Katsu. 


The next part will be only based on Katsuki vs Shi. It's still part of the Tournament but it's announcing the winners if you get what i mean.

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