Company Christmas Party

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The party was already well under way when
you and Levi left your apartment. On the other side of the city, all of your friends were gathered and celebrating a long year of hard work.

You had not talked to Levi since last night.

He seemed angrier than usual, and you felt your very presence annoyed him.

Your red velvet dress was one you had bought for this special occasion. You hoped Levi would notice it at some point.

He did not.

As you sat in the taxi, Levi was on a business call. He had not stopped talking on the phone since he woke up.

This made you feel more alone than ever, even though he was no less than a foot away.

As you arrived, Levi opened his door and crawled out. You tried to get out of the car on his side, but was met with him slamming the door in your face.

You were growing tired of him, and your patience was running thin.

Leaving the taxi, you did not even bother to wait for your husband. Instead, you made your way into the building, and promised yourself you would have fun.

Levi did not even notice that you had gone inside without him.


You smiled as your friends cheered out your name.

The dance hall was decorated extravagantly. Crystal chandeliers, waiters in tuxedos, the whole nine yards.

"How's it cooking, good lookin'?" Jean said with a wink.

"How's about you keep your comments to yourself, lover boy?" The comment you made came out a lot angrier than expected.

Erin butted in, "Woah, woah, woah! He's just playing!"

"You seem a little... mmmmm-tense..." Connie said, already visibly drunk.

Hanji put her arm around Connie and made him spill his drink, to his dismay. "Yeah, I'll say. What's gotten into you?"

"Me and Levi are in a little bit of a rough spot right now. It's s nothing. It will pass," you said trying to calm your friends down.

All of the people in front of you were from the marketing department. Hanji was the Marketing Manager, and the rest of you followed whatever orders she gave.

But tonight, she was not their boss, but your friend.

"Want to talk about it?" Armin chimed in, trying to help.

He was pushed over into a table by Connie. "BOOOOORINGGG." He said, with his face a bright red from the alcohol.

"I say that we ditch your problems and go have some FUN." He pointed over to the dance floor.

You were pulled by both arms into the crowd. After a few seconds of being immersed in the music, you began to dance along with your friends.

The night went on and you had forgotten about Levi. The party immersed you in a world of fun, something he had been depriving you of.

After a while, your heels were beginning to make your feet hurt.

"I'll be back!" You yelled to Hanji.

Hanji nodded and went back to dancing the moment you turned around.

Squeezing your way out of the crowd, you went over to the bar. You pulled herself into one of the stools and began unbuckling your high heeled shoes.

"You enjoying yourself?" A low yet gentle voice asked.

Your turned her eyes up to see that Erwin, the CEO of the company, was directly next to you.

And talking to you.

Your stomach knotted at the sight of your boss, your husbands boss, and everyone who was here's boss.

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry to meet you in such circumstances as this. It is a pleasure to make you acquaintance, Mr. Smith."

He laughed at you statement. "So formal."

He smiled and took a swig of his drink before turning his attention back to you. "Call me Erwin."

Your cheeks flushed up. "Yes sir—I mean... Erwin."

He chuckled at you and could tell you were flustered. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"That would be nice," you smiled as you unbuckled your other shoe.

For the next hour or so,  you and Erwin spent talking.

You told of the fun pranks Hanji pulled on the employees and the great times you had in the office. Erwin told crazy stories about the people he had met in the business.

"I am telling you! Im not lying! He really fell asleep in a bowl of soup during the meeting! We all thought he was going to drown!"

You were laughing until it hurt.

You had not been this happy in a long time.

As you were sharing laughs, Hanji walked up to you, and her face showed concern.

Erwin gave off a beaming smile. "Hanji! Long time no see."

"Hey Erwin. Can I steal (Y/N) for a second?" Her voice sounded urgent.

"As long as you promise to return her. She's quite the conversationalist, and she's been keeping my lonely soul great company." He gave a wink; you blushed at the sight of him.

Hanji smiled but then pulled you away.

She grabbed your shoulders and looked into your eyes. "Nobody's seen Levi in the last hour, and some people have told me he said  he was going home."

"Fine by me! He can stay home! He's been nothing but a stick in the mud all day." You replied unconcerned.

"They also said he wasn't going to be alone..."

Your stomach dropped...

Your body went into pure panic.

"I-I have to go..."

You hurried over to the bar and grabbed your shoes.

"Welcome back stranger!" Erwin spread out his arms in celebration.

"I'm sorry but I have to leave sir... thank you.."

He could tell you were crying as you hurried off with your shoes. You did not even bother to put them on.

You pushed your way outside to find yourself in the middle of a thunderstorm.

After several attempts at trying to call a cab, you decided to go home on foot.

Every call you made to Levi was directed to voicemail.

Your heart beat faster as you walked the wet sidewalks of the city.

You could not tell the difference between the rain and the tears at this point.

It's not true, he wouldn't do that, he loves me...

After what felt like an eternity, you finally made it to the apartment...

...and found the door unlocked...

You walked inside and made your way to the bedroom...

...And you wished you never would've opened the door...

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