Anger and Butterflies

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You burst through the front doors of Erwins beautiful home. The earth shattering scream of the doors echoed throughout the house. At the top of the stairs you saw a very distraught Erwin. He was dressed from head to toe in black winter attire. 

"(Y/N) thank God. I was just about to come looking for you, I was so worried." He spoke softly in relief as he hurried his way towards you.

You did not respond. Your expression was cold.

You were angry.

You were beyond angry.

The sound of your boots clacking against the marble floor resonated off the walls. As Erwin reached the bottom of the stairs , he looked into your eyes. 

Confusion swept over his face as you raised your hand to slap him.  He was quick enough to grab your wrist.

Frustrated, you struggled to get your hand back. Erwin searched your face for any answer as to why you were acting like this. With a final pull you freed yourself from his grasp.

"You fucking liar." You hissed.

Erwin shook his head in disbelief. "Love, I don't understand-"

"You lied to me! Don't play dumb, I know what you did to Levi!" 

Erwin took in a deep breath and looked to the floor. He looked as if he were a dog who was being punished. His head hung low and his once stoic and confident demeanor crumbled to pieces.

"Listen, I didn't think they were actually going to arrest him. I thought they were going to take him home. That's what they usually do when they find drunks on the street."

"But he isn't a drunk on the street Erwin! He's your friend! He's my husband!-"

"Was..." Erwin responded. 

"Jesus Christ! Smith, if you weren't my boss, so help me-!"

Erwin interrupted you "Taking out your emotions like this isn't healthy." His voice was calm but concerned.

"Why do you talk to me as if I were a child?! Do you even listen to me?!"

Erwin took a deep breath. Taking a step towards you, he put out his hand. It was as if he wanted you to take it. 

You stepped back in disgust at his gesture. 

Erwins voice lowered, and he stature softened. "I'm sorry..." he started.

You still refused to take his hand, and inched yourself farther away from him. 

His blue eyes stunned you. His face wore an expression of pity that broke your heart to even witness. 

"Just come with me, we can go and talk. Okay? We can talk about everything." His voice soothed the angry knot that burned inside of your stomach. The heat of your anger dissipated from your fingertips, and your foggy mind began to clear.

"" You asked. Your voice broke as you spoke.

Levi was never one to talk.

 He was always one to argue that he was right. He was the kind of man that could never be in the wrong. The amount of times you spent screaming at each other in the kitchen over little things were more than you would like to count. Instead of talking about things, the two of you would always let it build up. That was until it ended in an argument. 

It was an unspoken cycle that the two of you got into...

Levi would yell. You would cry...

"Yes... We can talk about it." Erwins eyes invited you to hand yourself over to him. 

You realized that you were yelling at Erwin in the same way you would Levi. It felt like it was the normal thing to do, because it was what you had always done.

Slowly, you placed your hand in Erwins. He gave you a solemn smile and led you into the dining room where both of you sat in front of the large window and talked.

Erwin explained that he had not intended to have Levi arrested. He really only hoped that the police would take him home. He did not find out until later that he had been taken into custody. 

"Apparently, Levi spit in one of the officers faces..." He added.

After Erwin had finished, you went on and on about how even though Levi hurt you. But for some reason, you still cared for him. He was your husband after all. 


You apologized for your actions, and Erwin apologized for his anger towards you. He didn't think that you would've left, and the moment he found you were gone, he became worried sick.

"I never meant to upset you, I just get very frustrated that Levi is still very important to you. Not that that is a bad thing, it's just... he doesn't deserve that kind of care from you."

You played with your fingers and looked down at the table. "I can't help it... I know he hurt me, and he doesn't deserve anything from me. But that man had my entire heart in his hands. He still does sometimes..."

Erwin placed his hands over yours and looked you in the eyes. "I promise you, I would never hurt you like he did. It would be the greatest honor to ever call you mine."

Butterflies sparked in your stomach as he spoke. 

You didn't even realize you could feel that way anymore.

You didn't think that you had anymore butterflies left.

But you did.

(A/N : Shout out to me for accidentally posting this without revising anything, and not noticing until an entire month later lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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