Let Me Fix This...Please

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You found yourself walking back to your old apartment. The snow was silently covering the city, and the cold burned into your cheeks.

You couldn't stop yourself.

The familiar streets lingered of the thousand times you and Levi walked together.

All of the memories flooded back, and you didn't try to stop them this time.

For the first time you started to feel the longing to be in his arms again...

It was like your mind refused to acknowledge all the hurt he put you through. It pushed out all of the bad he had done.

The way he treated you.

The way he betrayed you.

But, you couldn't help it.

You escaped the cold by walking to the lobby of your old apartment building and started making your way up to you and Levi's home. Or what it used to be.

You wondered what you would say, and what you were even doing here in the first place.

The memories continued to flow in.

The day you first met.

All of the days you spent together in each others arms.

The way he smiled while he kissed you.

The aching in your heart continued.

You stood in front of the door. You slowly raised your hand and let your fingers graze against the numbers that were bolted into the wood.

You remember when Levi first asked you to move in with him. You both were wasted on wine in his living room, watching a movie that neither of you were really paying attention to...

You placed your palm on the cold door, and then you did the unthinkable.

You knocked.

Pulling the words from your throat became a challenge, as you already knew you were seconds away from choking up.


There was no response.

You knocked a little louder than the first time.

"Listen I don't even know why I'm here, I just-"

You stopped mid-sentence to wait for a response that never came.

It was then that you started to have to wipe away the tears. "I think that.. I think I want to fix this. I still love you Levi. I'm just really hurt and I don't know what to do-"

No answer came through the door, and your heart ached more and more as time went by. You placed your forehead on the door and sobbed. "Let me fix this... please..."

A woman rounded the corner of the hallway and saw you sobbing into Levi's door.

"Miss?" She called softly to you.

You wiped away your tears in a rush because you were embarrassed to be such a mess in a public place.

"Miss, he isn't in there. He's downtown." Her smooth voice comforted you.

"I mean, he's not one to go out much, but he's been going through a lot. Did you see him in a bar or walking out in the streets?" You started mumbling out words trying to piece together the phrase 'where is he?'.

The stranger gave you a confused look. "Miss..."

"Where did you see him? I need to find him so I can talk to him." You cried.

"Miss... I said he's downtown. Like, downtown."

Now you were the one giving a confused look. "I'm not sure if I understand-"

"He was arrested about a week ago. He hasn't been home since."

Levi was arrested?

Your heart sank and the aching in your heart turned to worry. "Do you know?-"

"I'm sorry miss, I don't know where they took him. I'm sure if you went to the nearest police station then they could help you. I have to go now. I'm sorry." She spoke softly and reassuringly as she walked away from you.

The idea of Levi getting arrested was something you could never fathom. But, Levi becoming a borderline alcoholic, or a blackout drunk seemed insane until he showed up to Haji's apartment looking for you about...

a week ago.

Then it hit you.

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