You Chose This

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Levi stood outside of Hanji's apartment.

His clothes were drenched from the rain he walked through to get there.

He had been thrown out of the casino for trying to start a fight. The amount of alcohol in his body clouded over his mind and somehow he ended up here. It was a miracle he could even remember where Hanji lived.

The last day he was at work he over heard a few of the marketing girls talking about you. They were gossiping, and thanks to them, he knew where to find you.


Levi was on his lunch break. He sat in the very corner of the break room by himself.

He looked to the empty seat across from him and let out a long sigh. He put his elbows on the table, and his head in his hands.

He hadn't gotten used to having to eat alone everyday...

Just then, two girls walked in. Levi recognized them from the marketing department. He did not know them enough to remember their names.

After all, you never talked about them.

"I cannot believe a man like Levi would ever do such a thing."

Levi kept his head held down, but he listened in. The girls did not realize that he was even in the room.

"I heard that she caught him with three women in their own bed!"

Levi's heart began to beat faster as a fire burned from his heart to his fingertips.

"Did she kick him out?"

"I heard she moved in with Hanji."

"Hanji?" Levi thought to himself. Levi was surprised you didn't move back in with your mother.

The first girl laughed. "That girl didn't even get to keep the house?"

The second smirked and responded, "She couldn't keep her man, what makes you think she could have kept the house?"

Levi couldn't stand to sit and listen to them talk about you like that.

Levi stood up from his chair, grabbed his coat, and slammed the chair back into place, making sure the girls knew he had heard every word of what they had said.

The break room door cracked against the wall as Levi threw it open. On his way out he was shot a few glares.

Levi kept his head down and couldn't wait to leave the judgmental stares of his co-workers.


"Haahanji-" Levi slurred as he leaned into the door.

"Lemmie see heerrr Hanji!"

He put his head against the door and called out again and again to no response.

After a few minutes, Levi knocked. When there was no response, he locked louder.

This progressed into Levi screaming and cursing.

"Lemmie see her! I want to see her! Jusssst let 'er talk to me!"

Levi was reduced to drunken tears. "Just let her see me!"

He took a few steps back and struggled to keep his balance.

"Hanji you know I love her. Just lemmie try to fix this, just givvvvve me a chance. Hu-honey please..."

He walked back to the door and whispered softly, "let me fix this..."

Out of the corner of his eye he saw two figures turn to walk down the hall. He turned his head to find you and...Erwin.

You were all dressed up.

So was he...

Levi was drunk, but he could put two and two together...

Before he could even stop and think, Levi was running straight at Erwin in a blind drunken rage.

Erwin noticed Levi as he started to run towards the both of you, and shoved you behind him. You didn't understand what was going on until it was too late.

Levi jumped and dragged Erwin to the ground. Erwin tried to pull him off, but couldn't. After a few seconds Levi started slamming his fist into Erwin's face. Your legs started to give out as you slid down the wall in shock. You watched on in horror.

"YOU! I always knew you wanted her! You've been trying for years! You're why she won't talk to me! You're trying to rip her away from me!" Levi continued to scream into his face as he landed punch after punch.

Erwin finally was able to grab hold of his arms and force him to stop. By this time Erwin already had a gash in his eyebrow and a busted lip. You were silently watching in fear as tears poured out of your eyes. You could smell the alcohol radiating off Levi at this point.

"Do you hear yourself LevI?! Do you?! YOU did all of this! You didn't care about her until she was gone, and now it's somehow my fault that you left her to be with another woman?" Erwin's voice boomed. "Look at yourself Levi! Get a grip!"

Your mind began racing at a million miles an hour.

"They know each other? How do they know each other? Why has Levi never talked about him? Why did you never meet Erwin before that night at the bar?"

Levi jumped to his feet and stumbled back into the wall. Erwin slowly sat up and began to wipe away the blood on the sleeve of his jacket.

You were still quietly crying against the wall as the two men screamed at one another.

When Levi regained focus, he looked to you.

You locked eyes with him.

You could feel the weight in your body double as your heart was dropped 30 floors into your stomach.

He was...crying.

You had only seen Levi cry once, and that was at your wedding those many years ago...

"I'm sorry (Y/N)... I'm so sorry love. Just li-listen to me. Okay? I want to fix this. Let me fix this please..." His words were dragging into one another, but you knew he was speaking from the heart.

"Stop Levi I can't take it..." You spoke in between sobs.

Erwin rose to his feet and grabbed Levi by the shoulders.

"You chose this Levi...I didn't..." was the last thing you said to Levi before Erwin had shoved him into the elevator.

A few minutes later, Erwin returned.

"I took him to the front Lobby and had them call him a cab."

You nodded and shakily grabbed his hand as he led you to Hanji's apartment door.

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