Alcoholic in the Making

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It had been almost a week since you left Levi.

Though several days had passed, the wound still felt fresh.

Coworkers were astonished by what had transpired. The Vice President of the company cheating on his wife was the hottest talk of the office. To your dismay, you were subject to a lot of whispers and rumors.

Your friends in the marketing department stood by your side. They did not ask questions, and tried to continue as normally as possible.

Though you tried to push down your feelings, you would find yourself going to the bathroom every once in a while just to cry.

Being busy kept your mind off of things, so you were able to get yourself to work in the morning. Levi had been dismissed from work after the news came out about you two. He was not suspended because of what he did to you, it's because of what he did to the assistant. It was bad press, and he was told to lay low for a while.

Then again, you weren't even sure if that was true. Because so many rumors were flying about, no one could tell what the truth was anymore. Not even you.

"Hey nerd." Jean had slipped into your cubicle and poked the side of your head.

"You act like a little kid, you know that right?" You laughed.

Jean smiled at the sight of your joy. "Have any plans for tonight? It's Friday!" Jean put up his hands and shook them in a mediocre attempt to make you smile.

It worked.

You rolled your eyes. "Why does it matter to you?"

"The teams going out for drinks later on. I didn't want to invite a dork like you, but of course the rest of us thought you should tag along." You could clearly hear the sarcasm in his voice.

You shook your head. "Sure I'll go."

You could hear Armin and Eren high five in the cubicle next to yours.

Hanji grabbed Jean on the shoulder. "I don't see a lot of work going on here. How's about you get back to it, Loverboy."

Jean made his way out of your cubicle and you went back to work.

A couple minutes later you heard your phone go off. Jean sent you a text telling you that they were all meeting at the same place the Christmas party was at.

You smiled back on the memory you had with Erwin at the bar, and suddenly you could not wait for tonight.


To say you got tipsy was an understatement. To say you had a little too much to drink was also an understatement.

You were completely plastered.

Your face was flushed red, your smile had not left your face since the first drink.

You wished you were only drinking for fun, but subconsciously, you were trying to run away from reality. Even if it was only for a night.

"(Y/N), I think you've had enough." Hanji said laughing while trying to grab the drink out of your hand.

You lifted it high away from her and stuck out your tongue. "I don't need babysat Hanji, I need fuuuun."

She shook her head. "You've turned into Connie."

"Hey! I wasn't that drunk!" Connie said leaning into the bar.

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