Jail Bird

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Levi woke up in a holding cell.

The lights were too bright that they burned his eyes, as his body was trying to fight off the alcohol. The night was a blur, and his memory was quite foggy. He could remember ending up at (Y/N)'s apartment and finding her with Erwin. He remembered the rage. And he remembered Erwin dragging him downstairs to the lobby.

But now, he was most definitely stuck in a police station.

Lucky for him, none of the charges he accumulated were federal crimes.

His head throbbed from the unholy amount of poison he downed at the bar. The nausea was almost clouded by the stabbing pain in his head.


Still trying to make sense of his situation, Levi peeled his body off the bench. This was indeed the worst hangover he would ever experience. Levi was never one for drinking, mostly because of the family issues it caused.

"Hello Levi..."

He tried to make out who was on the other side of the room. When he finally realized who is was, his rage began to simmer back up again.

"Why are you here Petra? I thought I made it clear I didn't want you-"

She held up her hand to tell him to stop talking.

"Erwin told them to call me. I didn't want to come, but I couldn't just leave you drunk and in jail."

Levi huffed and looked away in disbelief. "Prick."

"Seems like he's just trying to look out for a friend. You should be thankful that he even called me" Petra pulled out her car keys. "Unlike you, he seems to know how to be a good person."

"A good person? Who are you to stand there and tell me what a good person is? You ruined my life." Levi scoffed.

"You chose this Levi. You were the one who always initiated everything. I was just along for the ride, and look where that got us. I lost my job and you're losing your sanity."

He stood up in anger. "I never wanted this! I'm a good man, I don't deserve this!"

"You cheated on your wife. You did this Levi."

He grabbed Petra by the collar of her shirt and pulled her in front of his face. His eyes were ablaze with anger.

"You were the bitch that got me in this mess and you're gonna be the one to get me out of it."

Petra grabbed Levi's arms and pushed her way out of his grip. She looked absolutely disgusted with the man.

"I wasn't the one who was married! I don't have any strings attached! I'm not the one who willingly cheated on my wife because I wanted to try something dangerous! Was it worth it Levi? Did you get what you wanted? I thought you wanted the divorce, or at least that's what you constantly told me. I'm not the one who has to deal with it at the end of the day. At the end of the day, I have a family I get to go home to."

Levi grabbed Petra and slammed his head into hers. She hit hard and fell to the ground in pain.

It wasn't long before guards poured in and pulled Petra to safety. Levi however was dragged down the hall to another cell, so he couldn't hurt anyone else.

His screams were almost all completely unrecognizable, but the name Erwin was cursed over and over again.

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