Chapter twelve

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"Alec, can you please move the table?", Magnus said. They were preparing a party in Magnus' Appartment. Alec nodded and brought the table to the wall. Isabelle was trying to mix some cocktails. It didn't really work. "Let me taste it.", Maia asked. "So, basically the red one is just red wine with strawberries, the brown one is chocolate with cinnamon and the blue one is, uhm, something tropical.", Isabelle explained. Maia tried the blue one. "Eww, what ist that? That literally tastes like rotten bananas. Sugared rotten bananas." "It's not that bad!" Isabelle said and took a sip. "Well, maybe it is.", She said and poorer the entire bottle out of the window. "Hey!", Someone screamed from the street. The man was completely wet. Isabelle closed the window and went back in the kitchen. There, she found Simon who poured her other cocktails in the sink. "Hey! What are you doing?!", Isabelle asked in surprise. "We want to welcome Jace, not to poison him!", He answered. "Oh come on! They weren't that bad!" Simon laughed. "Let me do the cocktails. You better deal with the decoration."
"Glitter! We need more glitter!", Magnus said. Poor Maia tried to decorate the snack bar. As Alec stepped in he saw- nothing. The whole room was glittering. "Oh, that might be enough glitter, mags.", He said. "Well, if you think so...", Magnus said and kissed Alec. Maia rolled her eyes."I'll check on the snacks.", She said and left.
"Thank you.", Alec said. "What have I done?", Magnus replied. "I mean, we're having this party in you house. And, I'm glad you're finally accepting Jace. That means a lot to me, honestly." Magnus smiled and.kissed Alec again. "I know you need him. And whoever is your friend should be mine too. Even if it's Jace we're talking about."Now it was Alec to smile. "Stop being rude.", He said, "let's move on decorating." He turned away from Magnus towards the bar. "Is the fun part already over?", Magnus asked. "The fun part is just about to begin."

Jace went to the weird room again. But, he wasn't sad because of it, like the last times. He stepped into the room like a winner, laid on the Ben like a king, not like a mentally ill piece of shit. He has been kind of glad to go to the silent city, because he wanted to prove to them that he cured himself. He did what the silent brothers couldn't do. The procedure began another time. He wasn't even afraid of it anymore. He already did it a million times. First, the bed moved. Then the silent brothers took some of his blood. He hated needles, which was funny because he wasn't scared of blades or whips, bit needles were somehow different. This time it didn't matter to Jace. He was just looking forwards to the last step. The step where he has to listen to people calling out Clary's name. He used to shake, his head to hurt. But this time, nothing happened. No shaking. No pain. No dizziness. Nothing. "I did it!', Jace screamed. It was a scream full of relief. All the pain, all the fear, all the worries, he set all the emotions free in their scream. It was as if a new chapter of his life was just about to begin.

"He's coming!", Simon screamed. Everyone was at Magnus' Appartment: Maryse and Robert, Max and Luke, Alec and Magnus, Simon and Isabelle, Maia and Raphael, Meliorn and Kaelie. They were all celebrating Jace. Then, they heard someone opening the door:"congratulations!", Everyone screamed. Alec ran forwards and pulled Jace into a hug." You are back. My Jace is back.", Alec said and a tear ran down his cheek. He didn't tempt to be so emotional, which touched Jace. He returned the hug. The parabatai just stood there like this. Isabelle started to cry too and hugged the boys. The reunion of the siblings touched everyone. "Well, as I remember, we didn't plan to cry, did we?", Magnus said, wiping away a tear. Isabelle was the first to turn around. "Exactly.", She said, "Let's celebrate!"
Everyone got to the bar and got some drinks. "Who made these?", Jace asked. "Isabelle.", Simon said and smiled at Isabelle. "Really?", Jace asked. "Well if that's true I want you to make these more often.", Jace said and left the bar. He talked to all different people. Mostly about his mental health, but also a lot about their private life. He hadn't seen a lot of them in a while. Everyone was dressed up beautifully which made Jace feel kind of uncomfortable because of his look, probably the first time ever. Maia wore a beautiful long red dress with slot of glitter on it. He has never seen Maia dressed up like that. Her beautiful curly hair was tied to a knot. He asked her out for a dance. It felt great. They danced and talked a lot. He did also talk a lot to Maryse. He hadn't seen her in a long time. "What a beautiful reason to reunite.", She said. She looked gorgeous too. Her green dress made her eyes stand out. "It's an amazing party, really.", Jace said. Then the music war turned off. "Everyone, listen. Jace, we are all celebrating you today. Because we love you. We all do. So we made a little book, everyone wrote a message into it. Take it. And never forget that we need you.", Magnus said and gave him a little booklet. Jace's eyes went wet. "Thank you a lot.",he said. Isabelle started to cry again. "Are those tears! Once again, we don't accept any tears!Simon, start the music, this is a party, not a funeral.", Magnus said. Simon did what he was told. He played a happy song and Jace went to another room to read the book. "We need you, son. You taught us that blood isn't important when it comes to calling someone your family. We are your family and we love you like our own son. Because you are. You are our son. To us it doesn't matter who your father was, who raised you. We will always love you." Jace recognised Maryse' handwriting right away. He read through the whole book. On the last page, there was a picture of Clary. He closed the book and pressed it on  his chest. He thought about Clary. Then, she appeared. But not bloody in a dark room, but smiling. Jace could see some flowers in the background. "I love you, Jace.", She said. "I love you too.", Jace thought. Clary started to smile even harder. "Whenever you need me I'm here for you.", She said. Jace nodded. "Okay, thank you." Jace felt something like a slight pressure on his lips. Like a kiss. "I feel like reborn. Reborn in paradise.", Clary said and disappeared.

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