L's problems.

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There is a sudden commotion from behind me.

Mello starts slapping Near who is still asleep somehow.

"Are you boys done yet?" L mutters, walking over to them with his hands in his pocket and yanking them both up into the air by their ankles.

Blondie squeals to be put down and thrashes around like a traumatised hamster. "HE WAS DROOLING ON ME!"

L begins carrying them inside.

They dangle from him helplessly.

I think Near just woke up.

He looks mildly confused.

L dumps his problems on the sofa.

Mello starts slapping Near in the face again. "Hey!" slap, "No sleeping!" slap, "WAKE UP!" slap.

L sighs, his face speaks only of regret and misery.

I intervene and take Near. I sit him on my lap, far away from Mello who is obviously suffering from withdrawal symptoms from chocolate.

He's still sleeping.

Oh my God, he just snored I think I'm about to die.


I struggle not to squeal or drop the child.

L sits next to me in that unique crouch of his. "Near should be awake."

Near sighs. "Fine..."


I try to concentrate on what L is saying with a little success.

"You both are here to help solve this case. You will behave and you will get along. Freya and I will be your guardians for the time being, which means we are responsible for you. Follow every order without question, and please ask before you go to do anything rash..." L glances at Mello.

I stare at everyone 'cluelessly'.

Mello's about to burst. "Why?" he blurts out.

L gives him this tragic look of disappointment.

It would have made me burst into tears.

"Because, if I die, you two need to succeed me."

Well isn't that a cheerful thought.

"But L is not going to die," I add afterwards.

Defiantly not.

Under no circumstances.

No way.

Not on my watch...

Not happening.


"L, is that everything?" I turn to my tired partner.

"Not quite... we have to sort out aliases..." he mutters unenthusiastically.

Oh right.

"I've just been using the names on their passports." I tell him, "So... they'd be Nathan and Micheal."

L appears satisfied with that, "Yes, if you two are fine with using those names."

Near shrugs nonchalantly.

Mello has an odd expression, "Fine."

I mean, Mello always has odd expressions.

"You can call me Ryuzaki," L explains.

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