A massive sleepover...

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L has finally given in to my very subtle suggestions of having two king-sized beds in the same room for all of us couples.

Misa is very excited.

So am I.

We're kind of friends now. 

She says she can understand why I slapped Light in the face because she would have done the same in my situation.

Except if she slapped L in the face she wouldn't be alive to tell the tale.

I would have made her into meatballs.

And fried her with onions.

And then eaten her with ketchup.


I'm hungry.

THiS Is tHe PrObLeM wItH nOt BeInG In A HoTel!

There's no room service.

There is Watari...

But he isn't overpriced so I don't get to feel rich.

It's late now and nothing's happened today other than more work on the files and information of everyone involved at Yotsuba.

I'm pretty sure tomorrow Mr Yagami discovers the killings are all at weekends or something...

Yeah, I'm tired sooo...

"I'm gonna go to bed," I say, rising from my chair and making my way up the stairs.

"Goodnight," L calls up uncertainly.

"What do you mean, goodnight?" Light begins, exasperated. "I need sleep too, you know!"

"Later..." L mutters.

Light stands up and attempts to drag L along with him.

His chair rolls out from under the desk and he jumps off it hastily.

I head up the stairs to my floor to grab my pink pyjamas.

I'll get Misa afterwards.

She's not allowed out of her room on her own.

Misa's pyjamas are black.

OoOooOoh dodgy.

"They are so cute!" Misa twirls me around. "Do you think Light will think mine are cute too?"

"Yeah," I say, "you look... DESIRABLE." I choose my words carefully.

Misa and I head to the third floor through in the lift.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror.

Compared to Misa, I actually look...


But not as adorable.

She's like... anime adorable.

I'm dodgy creepy adorable.

Misa JUMPS into bed with Light once we arrive in the room. "I'M SO EXCITED! THIS IS LIKE A MASSIVE SLEEPOVER!" she squeals.

I'm tiredddd...

I keep having more weird dreams, and sometimes this key hurts me.

Oh, if you're wondering how I hide it from everyone else, the answer is simple: I don't.

I just have my hair down all the time to hide the fact it comes out of my neck and sucks my blood.

Sort of...

Anyway, it's just a necklace to them.

The key is not bigger than your own front door key.

I crawl into the covers and wriggle down to the bottom of the bed.

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