Godly hugs.

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"Hair..." L mutters as he peers into a little plastic bag.

He hums randomly and sets it back down on the table before selecting another packet. "Snack crumbs..."

The rest of the task force are seated on several sofas at the other side of the room, L is in his armchair.

As usual.

"Hmm, hair." There's a rustle of the plastic bags as L carefully examines each one.

"How exciting!" I say sarcastically.

But come over anyway to crush L with a loving hug.

"Very," he mumbles, setting the last sample onto the small wooden table. "Mr Yagami?" he addresses loudly.


L picks up more of the bags and takes a quick glance at each one. "If I die within the next few days your son is Kira," he says simply, as though it's the most easily accepted statement he's ever made in his life. "Hm! Another hair."

Obliviously, Mr Imagay doesn't share his passivity.


The enraged father scrambles to his feet. "What did you just say Ryuzaki!?"

And now the much less enraged Matsuda: "What are you talking about anyway?"

L holds up another small bag at eye level. "If anything happens to me I've asked Watari to make himself available to you so I'm counting on it, hmm..."

"Ryuzaki, you said that you were beginning to doubt your suspicions and now this?" Yagami asks in disbelief, towering above L in the chair from behind. "Honestly, how much do you suspect my son?"

"Yes, but Light is probably definitely guilty anyway and if L dies now it proves it... sooo, we've just got to hope L doesn't die," I say dismissively, leaning over the evidence and trying to work out whether the crumbs are from cake or biscuits.

"Thank you, Freya," L hums gratefully. "Truth is, I don't know what to think anymore. Thanks to Naomi, and what happened with her fiancé I'd say the chances of Light being guilty are extremely high, however, we simply don't have any enough to convict him yet. We can't arrest him for being told someones' name now can we?" L sighs and picks up a cup of coffee. "And if Kira and the second Kira are working together things are not looking good for me."


"Hey, LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!" I scream, gaining the immediate attention of his other girlfriend.

"Light, who is this?" she asks him haughtily, folding her arms and glaring daggers in accusation.

Uh, did I do something wrong?


Silly me!

"Hey, it's Takada right?" I sing, making sure to seem as innocent as possible.

Light remains silent, probably trying to work out how to introduce me.

"I'm someone very important so please go away and come back later, THANK YOU."

After that Takada storms off in the huff, leaving Light and me alone in the middle of the campus.

L snEaks up behind Light and taps him on the shoulder.

Light turns around slowly to glare at him, but L is smiling so he can't bring himself to.

"Hey, Light!" L says happily. "How's it going?" he asks in the exact opposite tone.

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