Good time

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With Demon out there slowly killing every single mutant in the city... It would be only a matter of time before Leo, his brother's and the kids were next, but they were ready for him as they were planning a way to get rid of him once and for all, Jas didn't know about the murder that happened... But Leo was worried that she would find out soon enough, but at least she was focused on them and was doing alright so for now there was nothing to worry about, Raph has been able to kill five of Demon's men who were about to kill a mutant cat and her children so in that night they had save three mutants from five human's.

It has been set that for the safety of the mutants, they must be inside when night comes and if it's late to be with a human in case there attacked... For now nothing bad has happened but Mikey has heard some humans talking about Demon and his plan or for where someone saw a lonely mutant making him kill a few... He should have gone home after one strike but he ended up going at it four times for a female mutant, a couple, a teen mutant heading home and a male mutant who was heading home from work... Leo found out and allowed that to be left alone since many would have died if not for Mikey.

Jas on the other hand would stay with them when there home, none of them minded how she was as they treated her like a queen... There were times when she would worry about Demon but other then that nothing else bad happened, but nothing better then some cuddling and some sex to keep her mind off him making them only have her smile at times "Do you guys think we could go to the beach? Once Demon is defeated I mean" the gang was in the kitchen for lunch when Jas had brought that question to the table, the turtles looked to one another while thinking for an answer until Raph came over to her slowly "Of course, nothing better then a nice relaxing time at the beach to move on from this whole Demon thing" he said making her smile and nod to him.

It was then fully agreed that once Demon was defeated and his men were stopped, they would go to the beach for a while and not be bothered by anything happening in the city... Unless it was severe that is, but for now Donnie was looking over security of the city and making sure the police and the Foot knew of where another of Demon's men were so they could be killed... These people were monsters for killing who knows how many mutants and should not be simply arrested and instead killed as Leo decided on such actions are to be taken on them, Mikey was making a list of what would be needed for there trip as Raph got to work on seeing if Splinter and Karai would be able to watch over Maya and Autumn while there on there trip.

This left Leo to picking where they would go in the end for there trip, making Jasmine smile at him the whole time as she was certain it would be amazing where they would go, Jasmine on the other hand was simply excited at the fact she was going to the beach with them soon... Making Leo determined to finish Demon quick so they can at last be safe from any danger that could be there for them to take on "Maybe we could go to our private island? It would be better" Mikey said making Leo smile to the idea and begin to get some Foot workers to prepare the island in a specific way for when they arrive for there time of fun on the island.

During the day, the turtles would be with Jas and the kids to become closer then before... But at night is when two of them would leave and hunt down Demon's men to warn him to leave or soon he would be next, they have been finding his men and demanding the location of Demon, and when they had no answers... They would kill them and keep on searching before heading home to get cleaned and then get to bed with Jas for the rest of the night and until morning, for now she didn't know about this as they didn't want her to worry about them or anything... But they knew she would find out soon enough.

Sadly... She was growing worried for them, she ended up calling Splinter to find out there plan making her ask him for a report whenever possible... He was more then happy to ease her worries by doing such a simple task as she would then know what they had been doing at night... And soon they would find Demon and bring him to justice, at the moment the turtles were in the kitchen while she was on the phone with Splinter "Have you found him yet?" she asked making Splinter chuckle "You ask me such a simple task... But yes I have found him and everything about him" Splinter said making her sigh in relief.

Looking over her shoulder towards the turtles, she then whispered a command to Splinter before quickly hanging up and entering the kitchen without a second thought, they began to eat breakfast before the girls need to take a nap so they could take a bath and then get some sleep together, she wasn't going to tell them yet what she was planning since she really wanted to know how things were going before that happens, she smiled at them as she then turned to Autumn and picked her up for her feeding making Mikey move over to help her get set up as Maya began to fuss for her meal making Leo chuckle and picked her up to move and prepare her bottle.

"Wanna get some sleep?" Raph then asked making Jas smile to him and nod, once Leo finished feeding Maya he took Autumn to get her to bed as all five of them went to bed, she slowly began to undress before them while leaving her undergarments on "The one who becomes the victor of submitting the rest of you shall be permitted to undress me and take me first however they wish" she said as if she had spoken an order the brother's moved on one another to make the other submit quickly, she watched them with a smile while also teasing them by moving her foot towards them so one can try to kiss it first... Raph ended up being the winner of this match as he slowly removed her panties and bra to then take her fully as his brother's watched them in pleasure.

Such a good time they had. She could tell that she had well pleasured them even though they were careful with the fact she carried Raph's child now and they didn't want harm to be done, she didn't mind at all for she knew that this child would be safe from harm of Demon very soon.

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