The new puppy

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For the next few days which had been two months after Raph getting tied up and pleasured, Leo makes sure things are going well for them as Jas is taking a nap, she sadly didn't feel well that morning and Donnie decided that rest was needed for her as Mikey held her in his arms while Raph went to get her whatever she would ask of, there were other times when they were worried since she would wince in pain at times making Donnie try to figure it out... But sadly there was nothing telling him what was wrong, Raph was the most worried since she was carrying there child right now so it made the most sense.

"Maybe it was something she ate?" Mikey asked making Leo shake his head "Raph watches the cooks and examines everything that is used to make sure everything is fine remember?" he said making them think some more, Raph was laying in bed with Jas curled up on top of him and for now nothing was wrong so the still awake trio were talking together to figure out what was happening "Something must be making her feel pain... Did she ever feel like this before Mikey?" Donnie asked as there little brother shakes his head "What about you Leo? When she arrived you were alone with her at times to know what happened after you got back here" he then said making Leo then think before his eyes widen.

"Not a baby" he said making the two look at him confused as he looked towards Jas "She's going to have an egg, but when she had ours she wasn't in that much pain" he said making Donnie think before snapping his fingers "There must be more then one egg" he said making them now worry about this happening, the pain she was in must be that the eggs were pushing and she would need to lay them soon so they would need to be watched until they hatch "We need to make her wake up so she can lay them now" Donnie said making Leo get Raph to wake up so they can carry her to the bathroom.

She opened her eyes to the sight of them, she was at first confused at being in the bathroom as she then gasped at the pain once again "The eggs want to come out now! She needs to push now!!" Mikey claimed making Donnie quickly move her into position as Leo began undressing her as Raph held her hand "It's eggs, we need you to push them out now" Leo explained as she nodded and gasped yet again in pain making Raph worry about her as he held her hand, Donnie told her to push when she felt the pain again as he made sure to get the egg the moment it was out so he could first clean it and then place it into the little nest Mikey made quickly with there warm and soft blankets.

She was doing her best as she pushed out the eggs, but it was hard with the lack of energy she had at the moment making them... Mostly Raph worry about her and the eggs, he tried to encourage her to keep going but sadly it was hard as she kept going with as much energy she had left, when the first egg at last comes out... Leo notices how Raph is trying to have her stay awake so she can push out the second egg, he worries that she might not do it and noticed Donnie was worrying that this will happen if they have a child together "Keep going Jas, remember that your not alone this time to lay the egg" he whispered as she looked at him and nodded as she moved to sit up with Raph's help as she then pushed a few more times before the egg at last came out, she sighed in relief as Donnie and Mikey quickly got the two eggs in the nest.

Mikey stayed there while Donnie came back to care for Jas making her then turn to Raph and smiled making Leo sigh in relief since his nightmare might not happen like he saw it in the first place, once Donnie was done Raph carried Jas to bed to sleep in as she looked to be half asleep, everyone felt relief as she then slept in Raph's arms as Mikey made sure the eggs were fine "We should get back home, with everything we need to care for the eggs, home is for the best" Leo said making them nod as Mikey began packing Jasmine's things and his own while Donnie did for Raph and himself leaving Leo to care for his own things making them smile as Raph began to whisper faintly to Jasmine about there little ones while Maya and Autumn were sleeping at the moment as Donnie then noticed he got a message making him smile.

Once Jas was up and about, they smiled as Raph carried her out and to there plane to get back to New York making her smile as she went back to sleep once again, they didn't mind with how tired and drained she looked but it was for certain that she would need sleep more then before now, once they arrived Donnie took her so Raph could drive, none of them minded but Jas was still drained from the birth and she needed to be watched and cared so Donnie planned to examine her a bit after getting the eggs checked, when Raph parked in the garage, Mikey took the eggs and Donnie carried Jas to his lab to examined them while Leo got her room ready while Raph got something to eat ready for them to enjoy.

Mikey carried Jas to her room to Leo's surprise "Where's Donnie?" he asked as Mikey laid her in bed "He said he wanted to make sure the eggs were fine and everything before he comes here" Mikey explained making Leo nod as he helped his brother get to bed while Raph walked in with a tray of food, Jasmine was still sleeping when he came in so they simply allowed her to sleep for now and would try to wake her up later on when it would be time for them to eat, Donnie came in about fifteen minutes later and seeing her still asleep worried him so they began to try to wake her up to see what was going on until her eyes snapped open and she sat up with a gasp... Making them worry for her as she held onto Leo at that moment.

"Did something happen in your dream?" Mikey asked as she slowly nodded "It was dark, I walked around while calling out to you four... Then there was screaming coming from you and I ran to find you... My other brother's had killed you, but I could see Leo still fighting to stay awake as my brother's came over and began cutting me open to remove the baby I was having from Donnie... I felt myself slipping into darkness as I saw Leo trying to stand to take me back before I died" she said while she sobbed making Donnie hold her close... Then came a bark coming from the hall making them look to the door as Donnie chuckled and moved to open the door as in came in what looked to be a Shiba Inu (the dog you see in the image, if it's not what type of dog it is please let me know) making Jas gasp as the dog ran towards her.

"I got him for us and the kids" Donnie said making Jas giggle "I named him Lucky" he continued making them all move to pet the dog with a smile "This was a good choice Donnie" Leo said as Raph nuzzled the back of Jasmine's neck as Lucky barked at her which made her smile, they all then moved to bed while Lucky simply curled up near the bed and slept there on the floor while the five laid in bed after they ate... But the turtles worried about Jasmine's dream and what it might mean "There going to come back for her" Raph said making them nod as Leo sighed "We need to protect her... With any means necessary to be used to stop them from taking her back from us" Leo said making them nod as they soon went to sleep.

The new puppy really helped with the sudden dark mood Jasmine brought just from her nightmare, but it also told Leo that his dream was going to come true but with him and his brother's getting killed so her brother's can take her back home by force.

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