9 • denied

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"You dont know babe, when you hold me and kiss me slowly its the sweetest thing. And it dont change if i had it my way. You would know that you are"

You smiled as the song continued to play and surrounding on the rooftop was a golden pink and orange sunset which was breathtaking. Garlands of flowers wrapped with string lights and there were balloons spelling 'Forgive me'. In front of you was Marcus, Dele and Jesse all dressed in suits and the kids were holding bouquets of your favourite flowers. The rest of the England team were there all dressed in suits aswell holding roses aswell.

"Dinner?" Marcus asked holding out his hand. Ruby was squealing in the background and Charlotte was shaking her head knowing that this was one of his stupid ways to lure you back in.

You smiled and nodded. You were of course still mad but you appreciated the thought and efforts he put into for this dinner also, you couldn't put him down in front of all these people.

Once eveyone left the rooftop to give you and Marcus your alone time, you both strolled towards the table and like a gentleman he pulled the chair out for you, you thanked him and sat down.

The food arrived soon after and you both began to eat it. "You look stunning tonight" he said smiling at you. "Why thank you" You replied flattered.

The whole dinner was sweet and it allowed you to catch up with Marcus, it was a nice and calm atmosphere. "So tell me Marcus, why'd you do all of this?" You asked placing your napkin on the table. "Can I not take a beautiful girl out for dinner?" he stated back. You laugh and give him a 'come one tell me the truth look' He laughed and gave in "Okay, okay. I just wanted to see my baby happy again. I felt so stupid and dumb when I realised what I had done and I wanted to make a promise that I'd never ever be a fool to hurt you again. I love you and I can't afford to lose you again" He said fumbling around in his pockets. "For you" He pulled out a box, lifted the lid and a shimmery ring gleamed against the light. "I'm not proposing to you but I'm making a promise. A promise to love and care for you and the kids. Baby, I love you"

You were slowly being lured in however a sudden flashback of seeing Lucia in your room make you stop and think "No" you shouted. "No?" He repeated taken back by your answer. "I can't" You said scooting back in your chair. He placed down the ring. "Baby" He said standing up. "I'm not your 'Baby' I don't think ill be for a while. You broke my trust, the real you was unleashed that night and you traumatised the kids. I can't, I just can't trust you so easily like this" You said getting up.

"But the ring" He said holding up the box. "I'm not an idiot like that stupid Lucia girl. I won't fall for you so easily just because you're giving me this. What do you think of me? An idiot who would take you back because you bribed me with an expensive ring. You make me sick" You said getting up, holding your forehead and feeling even more dumb with the fact that you almost allowed yourself to fall in love with him again when he treated you in such a way. He stood there speechless, lost of words.

"Lets go back to our rooms now, it's getting late and i'm sure the kids are looking for us" He looked down and nodded then followed you back down to the hotel room.

The lift ride was silent, awkward for him, tense for you. Once you reached Jesse's room you knocked and he opened 2 seconds later. "How are my lovebirds, great steak ey?" You huffed "Mhm, where's the kids i'm here to collect them, thanks for looking after them again" You sarcastically said the mhm and the kids came running to you.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Marcus and I carried kid each and kissed them on the cheek. He let Brandon down and Brandon held my hand. "Night guys" you said walking away from the door. "Goodnight Y/N" Marcus said holding his arms out for a hug. You glanced back at him but continued to walk away back into the lift.
"Ouch" you heard Jesse murmur.

Marcus ' POV

Well that was a rough night. I know that she officially hates me. I honestly love her and cannot afford to loose her. I need her back in my life. I was even foolish to think that she'd forgive me this easily and this quick.


denied ~

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