36 • Wedding Pt 2 - words of promise

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Continuation Of Wedding Series: Part 2/3


It was time for the vows, you both previously wrote them down as a letter to each other and decided to read them out to one another:

Dear Y/N,

Today, I promise you this: I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will be there in your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals.

I will listen to you with compassion and understanding, and speak to you with encouragement. Together, let us build a home filled with learning, laughter and light, shared freely with all who may live there.

I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support.

I will celebrate your triumphs and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us.

You are my best friend. I love you with all my heart and stand here before all of our friends and family, sharing the happiest day of my life.

I want nothing more than to share my future with you. Together, I know we can accomplish the life we both dream of living.

I promise to remember that neither one of us is perfect. But strive to remind myself of the ways that we are perfect for each other.

And even though I'm unsure about most things in life, I am certain that I love you and will continue to love you forever.

I'm so happy to be in love, to have a willing hand to hold, to know that we'll stand side by side, until we're grey and old.

I'm so greatful to have met my match, to have found my missing link, to know you try to understand, the way I feel and think.

And now I am with you, and as we say I do, the luckiest thing of all is that you feel the same way too.

I promise to give you my whole heart, with abiding courage and faith. I choose to respect, encourage and support you. I choose our unconditional love. I choose our forever.

I feel like everything in my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. When we're together, I know my past has been worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.

*Marcus goes over to the kids with the microphone and goes down on one knee before them*

And to you my beautiful kids, I promise to take care of you the most. To love you wholeheartly and to play with all the toys you want even when you become bratty little teens. I can't wait to be a part of your lives and to see you two grow up achieving and completing so much. I love you both so much

*Returns back to you*

Love isn't perfect. It's not a fairytale or a storybook, and it doesn't always come easy. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing challenges, fighting to be together, holding on and never letting go.

You were completely gone within the first few words of his vows bawling your eyes out with millions and millions of tears flowing. When he went over to kids, it was just soo sweet you cried even more. All the words he had said were true and you wanted to promise the exact same. Your makeup was 100% ruined by now but what did you care?

You could tell Marcus was almost in tears aswell. He seemed to choke up on some of his words as he was so passionate and into his speech.

It was time for you to say your vows.

Dear Marcus,

I'd like to begin by thanking you, because you've done soo much to get us here. Through my annoying, stubborn self, you stuck by me. So thank you for loving me completely, and for giving your heart to me.

Thank you for always being kind, loving and supportive of me. Thank you for always telling me I'm beautiful and being so proud to call me yours.

Thank you for making me laugh and always see the positive in everything.

Thank you for always making me feel significant and for loving me unconditionally.

I see these vows not as promises but as privileges: I get to laugh with you and cry with you, care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you, build with you and live with you.

I swear, I will do anything I can to make you happy. I'll take care of you when you're sick. I'll cuddle you when you're cold. I'll tell you funny stories when you're sad. I'll cook for you. I'll sing to you when we're on long drives or flights. Anything you want to do, you know I'll be right by your side.

You have been my friend, my boyfriend, and now my husband. You are all those things and more – you are my love, my dream, and my devotion – no matter the name, you are my everything.

I love you so much Marcus, words cannot explain.

Everyone was in tears at this moment. Marcus, you, literally everyone. The clergy person soon summed up the ceremony and said

"Please repeat after me I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part"

You both repeated and the clergy person added

"You may now kiss the bride"

Cheers surrounded the atmosphere and Marcus intensely grabbed you and kissed the life out of you.

Once you both pulled apart, you faced the crowd hand in hand and strolled down the aisle together with the bridesmaids and groomsmen following behind after.

Everyone with high spirits headed to the reception hall to celebrate.


end of part 2 - wedding series

~ words of promise

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