33 • for you

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Marcus' POV

Why on earth am I doing nothing. I'm just sitting here letting my family leave. What on earth is wrong with me. I love Y/N too much to let her go. I love the kids too much to let them go also. I can't believe I was doing this. I immediately got up from my seat, dressed up, grabbed a few things and headed downstairs to.. The drawer. I opened it and rummaged around to look for something. Something that I held myself back from doing but there it was, it was something that I've been waiting to do for a while now. I need to prove myself. I placed it into my back pocket and headed out driving to the airport to chase the family of my dreams.



As you, Brandon, Mahëa and your mum sat comfortably on your private plane to America and were about to take off, your personal flight attendant came running down the plane aisle towards you.

She suddenly stopped in front of you out of breath. "Chrissy is everything okay?" You asked sitting up in your seat. "The plane was forced to stop" she says trying to catch her breath. "Wait, what why??" You exclaim. "Uhm, Marcus is standing in the middle of the runway" She whispered into your ear. You rolled your eyes and unbuckled you seat arrising from it to head to the exit of the plane. "Thanks Chrissy" You said while looking back at her, still walking.

"Honey what's happening" You mother asked looking up from her magazine as you left. "Look after the kids mum, I'm about going down to talk to Marcus. You huff whilst stepping down the steps of the plane. She shook her head and continued to keep an eye on the kids.

Up ahead of the runway you see Marcus walking towards the plane right after he saw your figure appear. He seemed to be shouting things but the engine of the plane overpowered him.

Once he reached you grabbed you and hugged you. You pushed him off of you slightly and the engine stopped causing silence to embrace the atmosphere around you.

"Y/N" he spoke your name breathlessly

"Marcus, I'm serious. I honestly don't have time for this" You said turning back to head onto the plane again but he suddenly turned you back.

"Please" He spoke once more. You could see how badly he wanted to get just one more chance. You could just sense it.

You turned fully towards him and he sighed in relief.

"I don't know where to begin Y/N. These past months have been honestly crazy. Mad. Mad. Mad. I don't know why things are not going my way" You couldn't bare to look up into his eyes.

"Please don't listen to Lucia. She trying to mess with you and all of us just to get me but there's no way in hell that I was going to let you go that quickly. I was going to fight for you because I honestly love you Y/N. I've already let you go one too many times and I- I'm not letting you go again. I can't put myself through this. again." He caressed your cheek and lifted your chin to make you look up.

You were honestly not in the mood and was trying to get away from this situation. Of course Marcus never let you. "Get away from me, I don't have time like this to was-" Marcus cuts you off.

"Y/N. Just tell me. Tell me you don't still love me"

"I-" You stuttered. For some reason you couldn't you just couldn't. As much as you wanted to. You honestly couldn't. A smile appeared on Marcus' face.

"Its clear you still love me" He huffed. You didn't want to hear it but, it was actually true. He continued with what he was saying.

"And what I meant by my way was as in get with the beautiful girl who I knew since knee height. Get with girl who stuck with me, fell in love with me, devoted herself to me. The girl that changed my life by going through all the pain to bring in two beautiful kids into this world. Be with the girl I planned to have even more kids with and to get married to" You looked at him dead in the eyes and saw how genuine he was. Your heart melted instantly.

"You Y/N. You! I want to be with you and our kids forever. Screw the past. I know I messed up too many times and my chances were practically gone. But I knew since the day that you were in the accident I knew that you are the one I want to be with, I'd risk my life just for you. Yes, it is quite sad that you had to get into an accident for me to realise things but I learnt soo much, matured and wanted to make things better." A tear rolled down your eye. His sincere words hit you.

"This wasn't exactly the way I wanted to propose to the girl of my dreams here in the middle of the runway but here goes nothing" He soon after kneeled down on one knee and grabbed one of your hands. You gasped and more tears flushed down your face.

"Y/N, I promise we will get away and start a fresh. I honestly love you so much, nothing will ever. EVER compare. Make me the happiest man, will you marry me?" He asked nervously pulling out the most simple yet stunning ring

 Make me the happiest man, will you marry me?" He asked nervously pulling out the most simple yet stunning ring

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"For you" He held the box and brought it closer to you.

You nodded, he arose and hugged the life out of you. "I love you Marcus, I love you" You both pulled away and leant in to give each other a kiss. Whilst your lips were attached to each others, clapping and wooping was heard from the top of the stairs. It came from all of the flight cruise that was with you, your mum and the kids.

"Yayyyy we love you mummy and daddy" Mahëa said as she approached you two and gave you a hug. You lifted Brandon, Marcus lifted Mahëa "Lets get out of here" He said as he kissed their cheeks.


i didnt want to ruin the chapter and put the title as 'marry me' but i hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

also wondering.. would you guys like a book 2 or a whole new book?


~ for you

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