25 • pregnant?

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Over the past few week you have been throwing up and not feeling the best. You honestly thought it was just the flu but everyone else thought differently. You headed downstairs wrapped in 10 millions blankets and found Charlotte in gym clothing sitting at the kitchen island, Marcus making breakfast and the kids watching TV while eating fruit.

"Is it just me or does it feel like this place is on fire and spinning around" You said almost fainting but Marcus quickly ran and caught you.

"You my love, need to rest and not do anything" He said lifting you to the couch.

"It's actually hot yes but, the world isn't spinning silly" Charlotte laughed.

You suddenly vomited into one of the kids toys that was beside you as you couldn't hold it any longer.

"Ewwweeee Mummyyyyyy is sick" Mahëa said scooting away on the couch.

Charlotte got up and handed you a bottle of water and some napkins and wiped you off.

"Girl, why are you sick all of a sudden. You haven't even been anywhere or done anythi- ohhhhh" I looked up at her.

"Whatttt" I said clutching my head and laying back down.

"You must be pregnant" She whispered not too loud for Marcus to hear but of course he heard and laughed

"Pregnant? We definitely used protection when were up in the room" He claimed while still cooking up the breakfast.

"I mean it explains why she has been craving a lot and throwing up and blah blah blah blah blah" Charlotte waffled off.

I shook my head not beliving her and slowly walked back upstairs. I laid back when I suddenly recieved a facetime call from Ruby.

"Hey love, how are you" She sounded so bad. I gave her a disgusted look

"Sorry I'm a little sick. I think it's from all the seafood platter we selfishly ate together" She laughed rubbing her stomach as she was in pain.

"Oh my goodness that does make sense. Shouldn't have been so greedy now look at us" You both laughed


You spoke with Ruby for a few minutes almost an hour and ended the call soon after.

You decided to head to the pharmacy with Marcus to collect some Imodium.

"You're not pregnant right" He asked as he buckled his seatbelt

"No, it's just food poisoning Im sure"

"Well you seem like you are"

"Even Ruby is super sick, what is she pregnant aswell" You laughed

"I mean I wouldn't mind another Marcus Jr or Y/N Jr running around" He smirked leaning in for a kiss. You kissed back.

"Hmm me too but maybe not right now. Twins are a handful I mean look at us, we are leaving them half of the time"


And with that he drove both of you to the pharmacy


~ pregnant?

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