time skip to 9 years oldlannan and i were playing in my back garden. my dad had built me and my brother a tree house for us a few years back. every weekend, i would go up there with lannan and we'd do random things to pass the hours.
we'd even tried to sleep out in it one night. it was all going great until the rain came pouring down and broke our makeshift roof we made from bed sheets.
it was a friday afternoon, after school. lannan and i rushed back home and went straight up the tree house. we sat in it for a couple hours, as we usually do, even though it rained slightly; not enough to get us completely soaked though.
"kids! it's getting dark, come inside!" my mum shouted out from the back door.
we got up and headed over to the ladder. i went first, slowly stepping down the slippery ladder from the rain.
"be careful lenny, the rains made it slippy" i laughed as i jumped from the last step
"it's alright, just a bit of water" he replied and hopped onto the ladder.
he started to come down, faster that me, when his foot slipped and he fell to the ground, landing on his wrist
"lannan!" i shouted and he hit the floor
my parents came rushing out over to lannan. they helped him up and wiped away his tears. when i saw the state of his wrist, i quickly looked away because it was quite bad.
my dad rang lannans parents, who quickly came round. they decided to take him to hospital. i watched as lannan got into his car and waved at him. he looked back over to me with sadness.
i made a heart shape with my hands, which made him smile slightly and he did it back. they drove away and i impatiently waited for him to come back.
lannan got back quite late from the hospital and i had to go to bed before he did.
i asked my parents if i could go and see him the next morning, which they agreed to. i slipped down the road and knocked on the door.
shortly after, his mum opened the door and greeted me with a hug.
"he's up in his bedroom" she smiled, closing the door behind me
i ran up the stairs and along the corridor down to lannans door. when i opened it, i saw him sat on his bed and he instantly smiled when we saw me. he had a large, solid cast over his arm.
"hi lenny" i smiled
"hi (y/n)" he replied
"what happened?"
"i broke my wrist" he sighed
"does it still hurt?"
"no not really. this thing is really itchy though"
he handed me a black permanent marker.
"you're allowed to write on it too. jarrad, callan and tannar all wanted to write their names on it but i wanted you to be the first one" he smiled
i took the pen and started writing across the length.
(y/n) <3 my best friend forever
"now everyone knows that we're best friends" we both smiled.
"wait. how are we meant to play ps1 together because you can't use your hand?" i asked
"don't worry, i mastered how to do that last night when i got back" he smiled back, handing me a controller.
i need to add little filler chapters like this so when i add the main chapters it doesn't seem like time moves too fast :) thanku all for reading it so far x

forgotten - lazarbeam
Fanfictionyou and lannan were best friends from a very young age who did everything together. however, when his youtube channel began to really take off, he began to get busy and very rarely spent time with his friends. he moved to sydney as his youtube chan...