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lannan's pov:

i sat on my bed, tossing and turning, thinking about how the perfect moment with (y/n) had been interrupted.

what if i don't get the chance to do that again? if she changed her mind?

she probably doesn't even like me in that way, we're just friends. i bet she just sees me as a brother.

i picked up my phone and started to look at pictures of her/us. i couldn't help but smile at how beautiful and amazing she looked in every photo.

after looking at every picture, i put my phone down and went to use the bathroom.

when i came back, i noticed i had a missed call from (y/n), shortly followed by a voicemail.

i quickly opened the voicemail and put the phone to my ear.

'hey lannan. just me. uh, i don't know why i tried to call you, you're probably asleep. i don't even know why i'm leaving a voicemail, but, nevermind, too late now'

a smile spread across my face at the sound of her voice.

'um, anyway, i was just wondering if like, you'd want to go to the beach or something tomorrow? the weathers meant to be nice. i don't know, it's okay if you don't, um. so, yeah. just text me when you get this. bye lenny'

i stopped listening to the voicemail and opened my text conversation with her. i hesitated a few seconds before deciding what to send.

'beach sounds good, see you outside tomorrow at 1 :) xx'

i looked at the message and eventually pressed send.

before she had a chance to reply, i put my phone down and my head crashed into my pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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