Who is leading your life?
What is controlling you?
The instinctive answer is you.
But look deeper, really ask yourself.
What is influencing my life?
The real answer would be the world.
An out lying pressure that no one is aware of till it's on top of you crushing you.
No one notices their influences until it's too late and those winds pushing us have pushed us off the rushing waves of life and down towards the abyss of self decay.
This force riddles pure minds with thoughts of stress and further disapproval.
You don't understand the pressure until it's sitting on your lungs enabling you to take a breath of freedom.
It traps you.
Wraps around you and sits waiting waiting for you to take the step in your path only to be stopped by its shackles that you didn't even realize were there.
You aren't in control.
The real question is, will you ever be?
Will we ever get the chance to be free of the shackles?
Unsheathed Heart
PoezjaSome wisdom you must learn through the heart rather than the mind. Unsaid thoughts and unspoken feelings. A book of unspoken ideas that I was either too smart to say or too ignorant and weak to utter.