three / one crow for sorrow

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Diana Barry gathered her school books into a bundle and made her way downstairs.

As she travelled down the last few steps she heard her parents speaking in hushed voices in the parlour. It sounded as though they were having a disagreement. They hadn't argued as much over the past few months, they'd seemed to be getting along so much better after the gold was returned and the fire repairs began. It was strange to hear them fighting, Diana paused on the stairs to listen.

She heard her mother's voice first. "I'm sorry, William. I'm not putting your grand schemes ahead of the girls education again."

"Grand schemes?" Mr Barry blanched. "Trade is a promising business investment, I know what I'm doing."

Her parent's voices trickled out of the private room, quietened for the sake of the maids who might overhear their disagreement that would cause embarrassment. Diana crept to a lower stair to hear the discussion more accurately. She hoped Minnie May wouldn't come thundering down the stairs and disturb the conversation before it finished.

"Diana is going to Finishing School, it's her only chance to become the woman I've raised her to be." Mrs Barry insisted. "She cannot be that woman in Avonlea, in Queens Academy, anywhere in Canada."

Diana's heartbeat sped up. So it was finally happening? Her parents had mentioned sending her to a Finishing School in Paris for years but they'd finally decided? Diana felt like the carpet had been pulled out from beneath her. Deep down she'd hoped she'd get to attend the same college as Anne when they both finished school.

"Honestly, I don't see the point when she can attend a number of colleges right here in Canada. She'll only get herself airs and graces."

"Oh, really. Canadian college is not the sort of place that will benefit Diana or provide a healthy learning environment. It will only serve to degrade her of dignity to continue studying alongside such working class girls as those taking the examination for Queens Academy..."

"I heard that one of the girls taking the examination happens to be Diana's friend Anne. Don't you think she'd be happier at Queens with her friends?" William sighed.

Diana was surprised to hear her Father fighting her corner for once, especially using Anne as a positive reason for going to Queens. For a long time he'd disproved of Anne. Perhaps he felt guilty for the part he'd played in sending Anne away last winter... Diana was also upset to hear her Mother talking down about her school friends, especially Anne. She thought her Mother had grown some affection for Anne after everything that had happened.

Mrs Barry exclaimed indignantly to his comment. "So having your way, Diana will be a teacher? Is that the life you want for our daughter? Do you know what it entails?" She was exasperated.

"Why is it so bad, Eliza? Learning a profession rather than learning how to sew."

Diana felt conflicted. She liked the idea of attending Queens, very much indeed. Not only because of Anne but also because it was a chance to be independent. But she was afraid. Her whole life she'd been raised to conform, to fit in and be polite and well-mannered. After meeting Anne her life views had been shaken up and changed greatly. Was a domestic life what she truly wanted? Did she want to be a housewife? She didn't know anymore.

"Do you want her to be like those modern Suffragette girls, with all those reckless ideas in their heads? William, she'll get hurt. It's better if she learns to be a good wife." Eliza said firmly. "She'll be safe."

There was a pause, a dead silence. Why was her mother concerned for her safety? Would she be sent away to Paris to become a good wife, or would her Father relent and allow her to study in England with her friends? Diana waited with bated breath. Eventually her Father spoke...

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