9 - Wonders

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I feasted my eyes on the myriads of paintings, arts and sculptures displayed before me. There was something beautiful about witnessing them in real life rather than scanning them in books and computer screens.

Taehyung walked next to me, marveling at them as well. "Aren't they magnificent?"

"They are... I think I'm into arts now," I admitted under my breath.

"Welcome to my world," he chuckled. "I hope you enjoy your stay."

We spent hours together, just strolling around and looking at the exhibits and art pieces. He would sometimes act as my tour guide and explain each item in details.

Some of the other women who were there neared us by then and listened to him talk. Many were respectful, but few were attempting to flirt with him, disrupting not only our private time but the others as well.

"Wait, aren't you Kim Taehyung? The CEO of Viera conglomerate?" One of them suddenly gasped. The others followed and covered their mouths.

Is he that famous?

I didn't want to get involved in their commotion, so I quickly walked away from them and toured on my own.

For a while, I moved from one exhibit to another, trying to remember their details and meanings on my own, sometimes failing to do so and just studying them instead.

I stood next to an elderly woman who was wearing white sweater dress and had short curly hair. She suddenly turned to me with observant eyes.

"Were you with the CEO of Viera?"

The question took me by surprise but I still answered her.


She furrowed her eyebrows. "Well... I know I'm being nosy right now, but may I ask how you know him?"

Another surprising question.

"We're classmates," I said under my breath.


"No... currently."

Her eyes widened and I figured that she became more confused. "He's a student now?"


I didn't know why but I was becoming more and more nervous. It felt like there was something wrong. Was I not supposed to give out information like that?

"I can't be mistaken," she whispered to herself lowly.

"What?" I tilted my head. "Mistaken about what?"

She cleared her throat before looking at me again. "I used to work at one of Viera's branch offices located abroad many years ago. At that time, he was the executive officer as well. And... he used to look just like how he does now..."

I didn't believe that.

"That's impossible... How can that be?"

She looked bewildered as well, her face frowning, causing even more wrinkles to appear on her tired face. "I don't know, either. But, my dear," she said as her eyes held me worriedly, "be wary whenever you're around him. He never showed anyone compassion nor kindness..."

Was she still talking about the same person? How can someone so warm be so cold towards everyone?

With that, she walked away from me and disappeared into the crowd.

I just stood there, her words lingering in my mind.

First that Snow White guy, and now an ex employee...

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